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EANM 2023 exterior

EANM’s 2023 Annual 
Congress highlights

By Catherine Marcic Joyce|2023-10-20

Located along the banks of the Danube River, the capital city of Vienna, Austria, hosted global nuclear medicine experts at EANM’s 36th Annual Congress.

During an exceptionally warm September week, attendees from 131 nations convened in Vienna, Austria, for the 36th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Annual Meeting. This year’s meeting was held both virtually and in person from September 9–13, a month earlier than in recent years. More than 7,000 registered participants had the opportunity to engage with nuclear medicine international experts, participate in robust programming, and witness demonstrations of recent innovations.

Chaired by Valentina Garibotto, the congress held the opening ceremony and welcome reception on Saturday, September 9, in the Austria Center Vienna and included the highlights lecture. Over the next four days, the Congress hosted sessions and continuing medical education on a wide range of topics. This year’s key topics included Alzheimer’s disease, theranostics, and artificial intelligence (AI).

The speakers at Sunday’s plenary session entitled “New Imaging Techniques–Jump Aboard or Watch and Wait” provided fascinating perspectives on AI technology, totalbody PET, the importance of PET/MR, the continuing debate on the importance and relevance of CZT, and sustainability. The session provided a balanced platform of varying perspectives and discussion on these topics.

Every year during the Annual Congress, EANM bestows awards to experts within the global nuclear medicine community. This year’s awards and their recipients are listed below.

Marie Curie  

Young Authors’ 

Sanjiv Sam Gambhir Young 
Investigator Award



Magdalena Mileva

Magdalena Mileva
Bastiaan Privé
Chrysoula Vraka

Victor Hvingelby

Angelo Cardoso 
Marieke van der Vegt 
Jasmina Terzic 
Sanna Rajala 


The Siemens Healthineers’ booth was one of 150 exhibitors at this year’s congress. The booth provided an opportunity for attendees to explore their latest SPECT/CT, Symbia Pro.specta™, and their large axial field of view PET/CT, Biograph Vision Quadra™. Visitors to the booth could also learn more about Siemens Healthineers precision oncology tools that enable theranostics programs and syngo.via AI-powered reading solutions.

On Monday, September 11, Siemens Healthineers held a luncheon symposium on the overarching topic of “Answering to clinical needs in molecular imaging.” Speakers Juho Kuukasjärvi and Joni Granlund, both from Oulu University Hospital in Finland, focused on “Transitioning to next-generation SPECT/CT: radiographers share their experience” while Prof. Dr. M. Hacker of AKH Vienna in Austria, presented “The potential impact of total-body PET to whole-person research and network medicine” to the engaged audience.

Join Siemens Healthineers at next year’s EANM Annual Congress scheduled for October 19-23, 2024, in Hamburg, Germany.

Listen and view the various scientific presentations captured during our events held throughout the years.

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