

Save up to 30 minutes per day1 and reduce staff exposure

Daily quality control is a necessary part of every PET/CT lab routine, but manual quality control consumes your staff’s time and exposes them to radioactive sources.

Features & Benefits

The PET/CT scanner records the position and the time difference of the events from the 176Lu decay to create a line of response that can be used for scanner setup and quality checks.

QualityGuard uses intrinsic radioactive properties of Lutetium present on LSO detectors to automatically calibrate itself, eliminating the need for an external source for daily and weekly PET quality control. It saves up to 30 minutes a day1, allowing your staff to spend more time with patients. QualityGuard can reduce the need to lift heavy phantoms and can decrease your staff ’s exposure to calibration sources by up to 98%1.

  • Maximizes workflow and increases operational efficiencies
  • Eliminates need for daily and weekly manual calibration setup
  • Reduces staff exposure to radiation sources1
  • Reduces risk of work-related injury
  • Saves up to 30 minutes per day1

Technical Specifications

General Requirements

  • Biograph mCT

Biograph mCT HW/SW platform must be running PETsyngo VG70 or higher with MARS, ICS T13 and IRSmx3 hardware or higher.

Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.

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