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Right Result. Right in the NICU.

Right Result. Right in the NICU.The epoc® Blood Analysis System gives you lab quality results here and now.

Neonatal care can be especially challenging. Patient status can change very quickly, making the need for rapid test results an imperative.

Empower caregivers with immediate access to critical, lab quality test results at the patient’s side to transform care delivery in the NICU.

Optimize clinical operations, improve workflow and enhance clinical decisions with fast, accurate results at the patient’s side.

  • Reduce time to result by eliminating unnecessary steps that may lead to delays
  • Positive patient ID helps reduce patient identification errors through real-time patient identification lookup
  • Immediate access to 13 critical test results, wirelessly, enabling faster therapeutic intervention
  • Single-use, full-panel test cards that are room temperature stable
  • Simplified inventory and quality control management

There is a highly significant correlation between blood loss from sampling and transfused blood volume; the highest frequencies of sampling occurring during the first week of life, in very preterm infants and in critically ill infants.1 The number of blood samples taken and the amount of blood taken during blood sampling should be kept at a minimum.2

epoc Care-Fill™ Capillary Tube

The epoc Care-Fill™ Capillary Tube aids clinicians in the collection of capillary samples. It is designed to work specifically with the epoc System. Care-Fill Capillary Tubes give the clinician guidance as to how much blood is needed unlike a traditional capillary tube.

  • 90 microliter sample size
  • Heparinized
  • Designed to deliver the patient specimen consistently and accurately when used with the epoc System

Post calibration sample application
Post calibration sample application ensures that the operator does not waste precious blood which may require a re-stick for a difficult to obtain patient sample.

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