DICOM Conformance Statements - Workstations

System / Version

Date of creation


MultiModality Workplace 

syngo 2007B (VE23A)


syngo 2007A (VE22A)


syngo 2006B (VE21A)


syngo 2006A (VE20A)


Leonardo syngo

syngo 2005A (VD30A)

syngo 2004A (VD10A)

syngo 2003A (VB30B)

syngo 2002B (VB20A)

3D Virtuoso 


System / Version

Date of creation


syngo WebSpace

Supplement for syngo WebSpace

2008B - VA11

August 2008

2008A - VA11

August 2007

syngo WebSpace

2007A - VA10

November 2006

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