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Health Level Seven (HL7)

Health Level Seven (HL7) is a American National Standards Institute accredited Standards Developing Organization (SDO) operating in the healthcare arena. Since its inception, HL7 has specified standards for a large number of application areas. HL7 standards cover generic application fields such as patient administration, patient care, order entry, results reporting, document and financial management. In addition to that, HL7 addresses the different clinical specialties like laboratory medicine, diagnostic imaging and clinical decision support.

Currently there are 3 active Product Families: V2 (Version2), CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). Additionally, within FHIR, HL7 provides a specification for context synchronization among applications called FHIRcast.

The HL7 Conformance Statements specify the details about the implementation of HL7 standards for specific products.

Further information on HL7 is available at:

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