
Effectively optimize radiology capacities with a workflow simulation

Oulu University Hospital

Siemens Healthineers and Oulu University Hospital in Finland have entered a strategic partnership for the next ten years, adding to an existing radiotherapy collaboration to jointly expand and modernize the radiology department. This Value Partnership includes the supply, installation, and maintenance of medical imaging technology and software, training and further education of staff, a flexible financing concept and consulting services to increase process efficiency and improve the value chain of clinical care. A joint research approach and an enhanced collaboration to develop new solutions and treatment methods are also part of the scope of work. This partnership was initiated in the context of the renewal program of the Oulu University Hospital facilities, which will lead them to aim at being one of the most innovative and modern hospitals in the world by 2030. The common goal of the partnership is to ensure high-quality care throughout the region, improve clinical processes and increase attractiveness as a healthcare employer. The contract has an option to be extended for ten more years. The volume amounts to around 30 million euros.

Value contribution

Value Partnership for radiology and radiation therapy

 Optimizes workflows holistically

15% Technology-as-a-service concept

To support the 15% productivity gain target of the new hospital

Enhanced diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities

For improved healthcare delivery



Improve access to care

Growing demand for diagnostic and radiation therapy services in Northern Finland

Extend clinical capabilities

Establishing the smartest hospital and cancer department supported by an innovative partnership

Optimize clinical operations

Implementing smarter processes and automatized workflows to increase operational efficiency

  • 10-year strategic Value Partnership (with potential for extension) to build a comprehensive, digital, diagnostic, and therapeutic ecosystem in both radiology and radiation therapy
  • Supply, installation, and maintenance of the most innovative diagnostic imaging equipment and radiotherapy technology in an agile and scalable manner, supported by imaging and treatment planning software
  • Education program, flexible financing concept, and consulting services to increase process efficiency 
  • Use of joint resources to research, implement, and test new technologies, software solutions, and treatment methods along the entire radiology and cancer treatment pathway

Let's unlock new value - together

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