When stroke strikes, be ahead of your time.Advance stroke care and deliver outcomes that matter to patients

For stroke patients, time is of the essence. Every minute saved can positively impact patient outcomes. That’s why it’s key to save time along the entire stroke pathway – from the onset of stroke to treatment and follow-up.

We are introducing our Solutions for Mobile Stroke Units, designed to speed up decision-making and initiation of treatment: SOMATOM On.site, a CT scanner to aid in diagnosis, and Stroke Connect, a digital all-in-one platform for seamless clinical data exchange, image sharing, and telemedicine.

Patient stories

Stroke solutions

As your partner in stroke management, we keep you ahead of your time. Our advanced technologies let you speed up stroke care and transform care delivery along the entire pathway – from stroke screening and pre-hospital diagnosis and care to in-hospital diagnosis and treatment. Explore our offerings for stroke care!

    Stroke partnerships around the world




    South Carolina


      Reduce impatient length of stay

      Inpatient length of stay

      • As part of our Value Partnership to reshape healthcare delivery, Medical University South Carolina (MUSC), USA and Siemens Healthineers aim to optimize stroke care within the community
      • 7% reduction in inpatient length of stay for ischemic patients1
      Optimized scheduling

      Optimized scheduling
      • Optimize scheduling in new neuro-interventional area through digital twin-enhanced workflow simulation

      Pioneer robotic capability

      Pioneer robotic capability3

      Future value creation:

      • Collaboration to pioneer neuro-interventional robotic capability
      • Explore implementation of artificial intelligence to guide providers during thrombectomy
      Improve outcome for patient

      Improve outcome and quality of life for stroke patients

      Consulting for optimization of clinical processes and workflows

      • State-of-the-art imaging modalities to advance clinical capabilities and drive reputation
      • 33% reduction in the degree of severity of symptoms at discharge

      Faster treatment

      Faster treatment

      Optimize processes to shorten door-to-groin times

      • Support during the planning and construction phase. Site planning taking into account process efficiency aspects and on-site coordination via dedicated project manager
      • 27% reduction in door-to-groin time
      Reduce costs
      Reduction in cost per case

      Increase overall profitability

      • Asset and fleet optimization via IT analytics to standardize quality of care and ensure maximized returns
      • 11.2% reduction in cost per case while number of cases increased by 15.1%

      Recognize the signs of stroke and act FAST

      Knowing the FAST signs might save someone's life!

      Future vision for stroke management

      Get a small taste of what future digitalization can mean for Paula, a middle-aged woman with an elevated risk of being hit by a stroke.

      We at Siemens Healthineers are committed to helping healthcare providers globally to succeed in today’s dynamic environment. We are inspired to transform the way things are done – because we want what is best for our people, our customers, and ultimately the health of mankind.

      Connecting data and people to improve patient outcomes – digitalizing healthcare
      Digitalizing healthcare is the key enabler for expanding precision medicine transforming care delivery, and improving patient experience. Ultimately, digitalizing healthcare enables providers to achieve better outcomes at lower costs. To make this possible, four steps are critical:

      • Manage data as a strategic asset, e.g. with the support of technology like the digital twin
      • Empower data-driven decisions
      • Connect care teams and patients
      • Build a learning health system, e.g. using AI technology

      Educational supplements

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