Explore untapped workflow potential to leverage Dual Source CT technology.

Improve productivity with Dual Source CT

Explore untapped potential

To best support the potential of Dual Source technology, we push the boundaries of workflow automation and CT productivity. Discover how quickly and easily the superior results of Dual Source CT can be realized at every step of the patient experience. 

Explore untapped potential in CT productivity now

Patient preparation involving drugs can be time-consuming and even harmful for patients. Benefit from faster workflows with Turbo Flash scanning. Reduce the need for sedation for pediatric examinations and the need for betablockers for cardiac examinations – and get standardized image quality thanks to motion artifact reduction.

Up to 95% of patients aren’t positioned correctly in the CT isocenter resulting in higher dose and image noise.1 Experience the benefits of automated, AI-powered patient positioning with FAST Integrated Workflow: potentially fewer rescans, less overdosing, and standardized image quality.

Manual image reconstruction and advanced visualizations are time-consuming and a potential source of mistakes. Therefore, radiologists have to deal with a tremendous amount of variation every day. Make sure to have all relevant information available in an efficient and consistent way with zero-click PACS-ready results.

Reading a case means identifying and interpreting the relevant information in a fast and standardized way. Leverage automated reconstruction and advanced visualization to speed up your reading time. 

CT Patient Positioning Challenge

Can you outperform AI within the FAST Integrated Workflow? Play the game to find out!

Learn how you can gain an advantage with automated patient positioning with our FAST Integrated Workflow.

Take the patient positioning challenge and test your abilities by selecting proper posture, scan range, and consistent isocenter positioning. 

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