By partnering with Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, you can experience the assurance of an integrated hemostasis solution that can help improve both clinical and operational performance throughout your entire laboratory. Our INNOVANCE® line will help you gain efficiencies, increase operational workflow and throughput, and better manage your resources.
The INNOVANCE VWF Ac assay is a sensitive, reliable, and convenient test system for direct, WHO-standardized determination of von Willebrand factor (VWF) activity.
- INNOVANCE VWF Ac assay uses recombinant GPIb with 2 gain of function mutations in a latex based GPIb-binding assay
- GPIb spontaneously binds to native VWF
- Ristocetin is not needed
INNOVANCE Heparin Assay
The INNOVANCE Heparin Assay provides a single hybrid calibration curve for UF and LMW heparin and utilizes liquid reagents to deliver precise results in fewer steps.
Our INNOVANCE D-Dimer assay helps labs exclude deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) in conjunction with a non-high clinical pretest probability (PTP) asssesment model.
INNOVANCE Antithrombin
Our INNOVANCE Antithrombin assay provides better sensitivity for antithrombin type II defects.