Key visual: Precision medicine

Innovating personalized care 

Enable you to promote health for each patient by digitally connecting precise diagnoses with precise treatments.

Did you know?

About 75% of all deaths globally are caused by noncommunicable diseases.
Every second a person dies from cardiovascular disease or cancer.

There has been significant progress in the ability to personalize healthcare, yet persistent challenges remain. While diagnostic and therapeutic advancements have enabled treatment to be tailored to a patient's unique needs, precision medicine still is challenging to scale and has yet to become the standard of care. Innovation in this area aims to reach a greater level of scalability and accessibility by combining patient-centered best practices, actionable precision diagnostics and impactful precision therapy to deliver the right care for the right patient at the right time.

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Insights series issue 47 cover

Explore how more nuanced diagnosis and more precise treatment can dramatically improve patient outcomes.
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