To create the highest impact in healthcare systems, patient and staff centricity is becoming an imperative addition to a successful enterprise. However, medical facilities globally have limited to no guidance on the integration of the patient's voice or initiating the transformation to be more patient- and
staff-centered. Luísadas Saúde sets a strategic example of how patient oriented care experience can become reality in modern hospitals with outpatient clinics and digital services. The holistic approach is based on integrating the patient’s voice, promoting co-developments with patients and healthcare professionals, and strategic implementation from operations to measurable management goals.
This paper outlines the essential adjustments necessary for an organizational shift towards a patient-satisfaction oriented healthcare delivery, with the aspiration of a sustainable care improvement.
Key takeaways from the paper
These four principles are:
- Strategic integration of the patient’s voice
- Update infrastructure and processes
- Set up the organization – on corporate and unit level - for sustainable change
- Quantitative evaluation of the care experience per touchpoint
The implementation of these developments, as visible from the Luísadas Saúde example, are the precursors of a dually beneficial patient experience and workforce satisfaction.
This thought leadership paper is part of the Siemens Healthineers Insights Series. It provides ideas and practical solutions on “Patient Experience”. For more Insights, please visit
About the authors
Isabel Nieto-Alvarez, MSc.
Christina Triantafyllou, PhD
Vice President Head of Improving Patient Experience at Siemens Healthineers
Christina Triantafyllou, Ph.D. is Siemens Healthineers’ Global Head of
Improving Patient Experience, where she explores ways in which this field can
be enhanced and made more accessible to healthcare providers. She develops
strategic approaches to deliver high value care, by providing patient
experience focused solutions, best practices and thought leadership content.
Christina began her healthcare career at Harvard Medical School, Boston,
where she worked as a medical physicist developing imaging technology for
the study of brain anatomy and function in disease. At Siemens Healthineers,
she served as the Director of Global Ultra High Field MR Solutions, focusing on
business strategy, KOL-based collaborations in innovation/clinical translation,
and product management for the first worldwide clinical 7T MR system.
Christina holds a Ph.D. in Medical Physics from Kings College, University of
London, UK. Prior to joining Siemens Healthineers, she held appointments at
Harvard Medical School, and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
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