How can healthcare providers continue to offer high-value care in the midst of a pandemic?Insights Series – Issue 18: Firefighters don't run from fires


When the COVID-19 virus began to spread around the globe at the beginning of 2020, New York was North America’s pandemic epicenter. Especially in these early days, healthcare workers faced enormous pressure as they had to work in a hazardous environment with limited knowledge about how the virus was transmitted and shortages of supplies. Many physicians, nurses and other healthcare staff had to switch from their usual tasks to caring for COVID-19 patients, which meant many other services such as regular exams and screenings were often delayed.

Zwanger-Pesiri, New York’s leading radiology chain, decided to keep their doors open for patients because in the words of Chief Operating Officer Bob Day, “firefighters don’t run from fires.”

This paper explores the decision Zwanger-Pesiri made to remain open, always under the premise of protecting patients and staff, and how other healthcare providers can successfully manage a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.

This paper is part of the Siemens Healthineers Insights Series - The New Normal Edition. It provides practical solutions on “Transforming care delivery.”

This paper, part of the Siemens Healthineers Insights Series - the New Normal Edition. It provides practical solutions on 'Transfoming care delivery'. 

In the early days of the pandemic, Zwanger-Pesiri decided to keep their doors open for patients and continue their services. Five basic rules steered Bob Day and the staff at Zwanger-Pesiri through this challenge:

  • Communicate
  • Be transparent
  • Protect
  • Learn as you go
  • Celebrate results and achievements

The application of these five principles has guided Zwanger -Pesiri through the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, while also helping them to deliver high-value care to their patients. 

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