Healthcare providers are finding ways to reshape care pathways while driving down long-term asset costs. Biograph™ Horizon PET/CT helps you offset these expenses, expands your clinical capabilities, and simplifies your operations. Biograph Horizon’s digital detectors leverage small 4 x 4-mm LSO crystal elements to deliver high-resolution images and provide true time of flight (TOF) to improve lesion detectability and anatomical detail. With AIDAN, our intelligent imaging platform for PET/CT, Biograph Horizon better supports clinical routines with an enhanced patient and user experience and a fast, reproducible workflow—letting you bring a higher standard of care to more patients.
Biograph Horizon
Ready for more

Features & Benefits
Innovative technology for better care
Expand your options with the advances and efficiencies of Biograph Horizon. With technologies that set the standard in PET/CT, Biograph Horizon offers you premium performance at an attractive level of investment. Bring high-quality care to more patients and address a wide variety of clinical indications with increased flexibility. Intelligent imaging capabilities streamline scans, saving you time while offering reproducibility and standardization for advanced results.

Technology that elevates performance
Biograph Horizon gives you PET/CT imaging with high 78-mm3 volumetric resolution1 due to the small 4 x 4-mm LSO crystal elements, and the ability to offer true time of flight (TOF) for performance and clinical advantages. Dedicated CT solutions, previously available only on stand-alone systems, provide high-quality imaging at lower doses.

Performance that creates opportunity
Address a broader range of oncology, neurology, and cardiac indications using all commercially available PET tracers and unique features that elevate image quality, standardization, and clinical insights. From fast, low-dose PET/CT imaging to whole-body dynamic studies, Biograph Horizon is designed to support your clinical needs and research interests. Plus, the opportunity to incorporate advanced CT technology allows you to expand your diagnostic capabilities.

Opportunity that advances your results
Better support clinical routines with an enhanced patient and user experience. Achieve better results with the flexibility for higher throughput while delivering personalized care. Biograph Horizon offers intuitive imaging solutions powered by artificial intelligence for a fast and reproducible workflow.

Our intelligent imaging platform for Biograph PET/CT scanners that supports the demanding processing power of AI-based solutions.
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True time of flight
TrueV extended PET field of viewHD•PETQualityGuard™
FlowMotion™ AIFAST PET Workflow AIMultiparametric PET Suite AIOncoFreeze™ / OncoFreeze AIOur customers say...
“The experience of using the Horizon PET/CT equipment has been very rewarding. In addition to the excellent quality of images provided by the technology, we have been able to conduct examinations offering lower doses of radiation to patients and, at the same time, faster acquisitions.”2

MD, Nuclear Medicine Director
Brasilia, Brazil
“We are now routinely conducting 12-15 PET/CT scans per day, compared to 6 scans in the past with our previous PET/CT”2

Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (KPUM)
Kyoto, Japan
“Not only did Biograph Horizon answer all our needs in terms of cost effectiveness and quality control, it also improved our daily practice with high-resolution images and great sensitivity.”2

Nuclear Medicine Physicist
Brasilia, Brazil
“The AI features allow us to focus on a specific task, which usually is the patient. You want to spend time with them to make sure they're OK and that they are getting the best solution they need for treatment.”2

Deputy Service Lead for Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
London, England
Clinical Use
Case 1
02Case 2
01Case 3
01Case 4
01Case 5
Case 5
6-mm lymph node detectability in prostate cancer using ultraHD•PET and 4-mm crystals.
ultra•HD PET allows excellent detection of 6-mm lymph node. 4-mm crystal size results in good image quality with 68Ga tracer.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 12 beds x 2 minutes per bed
Image reconstruction: 180 x 180 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: 3.8 mCi (142 MBq) 68Ga
Scan parameters: 130 kV, 148 ref mAs

Data courtesy of Christiana Care Health Systems, Newark, Delaware, USA.
Case 1
Distinction of gyri and sulci due to excellent spatial resolution afforded by 4-mm crystal size.
4 mm crystal size illustrates good separation of gyri and sulci. Decreased crystal size also results in detailed contrast between white and gray matter.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 10 minutes total scan time
Image reconstruction: 360 x 360 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: Fludeoxyglucose F 18 (18F FDG) Injection[a]
8.6 mCi (318 MBq)
Scan acquisition: 110 kV, 50 ref mAs
Data courtesy of Christiana Care Health Systems, Newark, Delaware, USA.
Case 1
Distinction of gyri and sulci due to excellent spatial resolution afforded by 4-mm crystal size.
4-mm crystal size illustrates good separation of gyri and sulci. Decreased crystal size also results in detailed contrast between white and gray matter.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 10 minutes total scan time
Image reconstruction: 360 x 360 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: Fludeoxyglucose F 18 (18F FDG) Injection
8.6 mCi (318 MBq)
Scan parameters: 110 kV, 50 ref mAs

Case 2
Time of flight (TOF) imaging allows high-quality myocardial perfusion imaging in obese patient (82 BMI).
With true TOF, activity is more localized and results in improved spatial resolution and thus improves image quality in particularly obese patients.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 7 minutes total scan time
Image reconstruction: 128 x 128 matrix, OSEM3D+TOF
Injected dose: Rubidium chloride 82Rb Injection, (82Rb) 20 mCi (740 MBq) rest, (82Rb) 20 mCi (740 MBq) stress
Scan parameters: 110 kV, 50 ref mAs

Case 3
Dynamic multi-pass whole-body PET using FlowMotion to help define suspicious abdominal uptake as physiological.
Focal uptake in the abdomen likely to be confused with retroperitoneal lymph node metastases in a patient with advanced rectal cancer with multiple pelvic nodal metastases.
Dynamic whole-body PET/CT as a routine acquisition procedure defines focal uptake as physiological tracer retention in the ureter due to slight decrease in uptake over 4 dynamic passes, typical of physiological uptake, which varies due to peristalsis or fluid transit.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 4 whole-body passes x 3 min 20 sec each pass
Total scan time: 14 min 14 sec
Image reconstruction: 180 x 180 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: Fludeoxyglucose F 18 (18F FDG) Injection
6.59 mCi (244MBq)
Scan parameters: 130 kV, 90 ref mAs

Case 4
Elimination of respiratory motion enables sharper delination of solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN). Incorporation of motion frozen thoracic image into whole-body MIP provides comprehensive clinical viewing
Motion management acquired with FlowMotion reveals clearly defined SPN with reconstruction stitched into whole-body MIP.
Elimination of respiratory motion enables sharper delination of solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN). Incorporation of motion frozen thoracic image into whole-body MIP provides comprehensive clinical viewing.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 20 mins total scan time
Image reconstruction: 180 x 180 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: Fludeoxyglucose F 18 (18F FDG) Injection
4.8 mCi (178 MBq)
Scan parameters: 130 kV, 36 ref mAs

Case 5
6-mm lymph node detectability in prostate cancer using ultraHD•PET and 4-mm crystals.
ultra•HD PET allows excellent detection of 6-mm lymph node. 4-mm crystal size results in good image quality with 68Ga tracer.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 12 beds x 2 minutes per bed
Image reconstruction: 180 x 180 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: 3.8 mCi (142 MBq) 68Ga
Scan parameters: 130 kV, 148 ref mAs

Data courtesy of Christiana Care Health Systems, Newark, Delaware, USA.
Case 1
Distinction of gyri and sulci due to excellent spatial resolution afforded by 4-mm crystal size.
4 mm crystal size illustrates good separation of gyri and sulci. Decreased crystal size also results in detailed contrast between white and gray matter.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 10 minutes total scan time
Image reconstruction: 360 x 360 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: Fludeoxyglucose F 18 (18F FDG) Injection[a]
8.6 mCi (318 MBq)
Scan acquisition: 110 kV, 50 ref mAs
Data courtesy of Christiana Care Health Systems, Newark, Delaware, USA.
Case 1
Distinction of gyri and sulci due to excellent spatial resolution afforded by 4-mm crystal size.
4-mm crystal size illustrates good separation of gyri and sulci. Decreased crystal size also results in detailed contrast between white and gray matter.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 10 minutes total scan time
Image reconstruction: 360 x 360 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: Fludeoxyglucose F 18 (18F FDG) Injection
8.6 mCi (318 MBq)
Scan parameters: 110 kV, 50 ref mAs

Case 2
Time of flight (TOF) imaging allows high-quality myocardial perfusion imaging in obese patient (82 BMI).
With true TOF, activity is more localized and results in improved spatial resolution and thus improves image quality in particularly obese patients.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 7 minutes total scan time
Image reconstruction: 128 x 128 matrix, OSEM3D+TOF
Injected dose: Rubidium chloride 82Rb Injection, (82Rb) 20 mCi (740 MBq) rest, (82Rb) 20 mCi (740 MBq) stress
Scan parameters: 110 kV, 50 ref mAs

Case 3
Dynamic multi-pass whole-body PET using FlowMotion to help define suspicious abdominal uptake as physiological.
Focal uptake in the abdomen likely to be confused with retroperitoneal lymph node metastases in a patient with advanced rectal cancer with multiple pelvic nodal metastases.
Dynamic whole-body PET/CT as a routine acquisition procedure defines focal uptake as physiological tracer retention in the ureter due to slight decrease in uptake over 4 dynamic passes, typical of physiological uptake, which varies due to peristalsis or fluid transit.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 4 whole-body passes x 3 min 20 sec each pass
Total scan time: 14 min 14 sec
Image reconstruction: 180 x 180 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: Fludeoxyglucose F 18 (18F FDG) Injection
6.59 mCi (244MBq)
Scan parameters: 130 kV, 90 ref mAs

Case 4
Elimination of respiratory motion enables sharper delination of solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN). Incorporation of motion frozen thoracic image into whole-body MIP provides comprehensive clinical viewing
Motion management acquired with FlowMotion reveals clearly defined SPN with reconstruction stitched into whole-body MIP.
Elimination of respiratory motion enables sharper delination of solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN). Incorporation of motion frozen thoracic image into whole-body MIP provides comprehensive clinical viewing.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 20 mins total scan time
Image reconstruction: 180 x 180 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: Fludeoxyglucose F 18 (18F FDG) Injection
4.8 mCi (178 MBq)
Scan parameters: 130 kV, 36 ref mAs

Case 5
6-mm lymph node detectability in prostate cancer using ultraHD•PET and 4-mm crystals.
ultra•HD PET allows excellent detection of 6-mm lymph node. 4-mm crystal size results in good image quality with 68Ga tracer.
Biograph Horizon PET/CT
Scan acquisition: 12 beds x 2 minutes per bed
Image reconstruction: 180 x 180 matrix, ultraHD•PET
Injected dose: 3.8 mCi (142 MBq) 68Ga
Scan parameters: 130 kV, 148 ref mAs

[a] Please see Indications and Important Safety Information for Fludeoxyglucose F18 (18F FDG) Injection and full Prescribing Information.
Technical Specifications
Gantry |
Bore diameter | 70 cm |
Tunnel length | 130 cm |
Table capacity | 227 kg (500 lb) |
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CT |
Generator power | 55 kW |
Rotation times | 0.48*, 0.6, 1.0, 1.5 s |
Tube voltages | 80, 110, 130 kV |
Iterative reconstruction | SAFIRE* |
Metal artifact reduction | iMAR* |
Slices | 16, 32 (32 slice available with optional IVR (Interleaved Volume Reconstruction)) |
Axial field of view | 16.4, 22.1* cm |
Crystal size | 4 x 4 x 20 mm |
True time of flight | |
Confidence window | 4.1 ns |
Effective sensitivity | 14.9, 26.5*cps/kBq |
Effective peak NEC rate | 224, 336* kcps ≤26 kBq/cc |
Learn more about Biograph Horizon
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The statements by Siemens Healthineers customers described herein are based on results that were achieved in the customer’s unique setting. Since there is no “typical” hospital and many variables exist (e.g., hospital size, case mix, level of IT adoption) there can be no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results.