The Reliable Choice for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Detection at the Frontline
A multicenter study was conducted to identify patients with potential UTIs. There were 1,887 urine specimens tested comparing the leukocyte and nitrite results of Multistix 10 SG urinalysis strips to urine culture.1
Did You Know?
- Only 10-15% of urine cultures are confirmed positive.
- The cost of urine culture is significantly higher compared to urine strip testing.
- Combining the results of leukocyte (WBC) and nitrite is a better predictor of the presence or absence of urinary tract infection, than any one test parameter alone.2
Combine two leading brands…
Multistix and ...
Be confident that Multistix 10 SG is a reliable rule-out tool for urinary tract infection (UTI)!
CLINITEK Status® Family of Analyzers
Removes subjectivity by correctly identifying positives
Did You Know?
Over 10 million Americans have difficulty discerning color.3
Studies have shown that when urinalysis is performed with an instrument, sensitivity is increased and positives are correctly identified and reported.4
Instrument-read results provide consistency and reliability, sample to sample: In a study of 10,084 samples, the % error (+/- 1 color block difference) among positive samples was reduced from 12.4% when read visually to 2.9% when read on a CLINITEK® analyzer.4