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Our Experts

Hilal Altun Kaymak sovellusasiantuntija
Hilal Altun Kaymak

Educational background: BSc in Biomedical Engineering (2009) and an MBA (2017)

Clinical experience: 12 years work experience in Healthcare

Other relevant skills: Active Listening, Customer Focus, Conflict Resolution, Presentation Skills and Problem Prevention.

Your current role: Syngo Clinical Application Specialist

When did you start working as an application specialist?

Over 10 years ago.

What's the best part of your job?

What I find most fulfilling in my job is the awareness of the valuable indirect impact on patients while providing support to medical professionals.

Can you share a memorable training-related situation?

One day, I got a call from CCC, and they said a radiologist was on the line, needing quick help. He asks me because he could not evaluate the liver volume and the patient at that moment is waiting at the operation room. I was driving home, but I realized it was such an urgent issue. I parked my car, opened my laptop, and remotely connected to his system. I helped him with the software, so he could evaluate the study easily. After evaluation, he decided that the patient was operable. As well as providing fast customer support, I felt proud of what I could do. I was part of something that helped save someone's life.

Greetings to the customers: I will continue to stand beside you, providing the best service we can offer. Stay tuned!

Ilkka Jussila sovelluasiantuntija
Ilkka Jussila

Educational background: A radiographer (AMK) with additional studies from open university and currently pursuing a Master's degree (YAMK).

Clinical work experience: 17 years of experience as a radiographer at university hospital and a private hospital.

Other relevant skills: Technical orientation in the role of a radiographer. Served as an MR trainer, equipment supervisor, and led a development team.

Current role: An instructor for Pacs and partly for Syngo.via software. Additionally, works as a Customer Success Manager and project manager for various products.

When did you start working as an application specialist?

I have been with Siemens Healthineers for a little over 4 years.

What's the best part of your job?

Versatile workdays and assisting customers.

Can you share a memorable training-related situation?

One Pacs training stands out in memory when all the trainees were former colleagues from my previous career. I was a bit nervous beforehand, but it turned out to be a remarkably open and relaxed training session ; )

Greetings to the customers:

Feel free to ask questions boldly. There are no foolish questions!

Timo Karjalainen
Timo Karjalainen

Educational background: Radiographer (AMK)

Clinical work experience: 12 years as a radiographer at KYS Imaging Center, responsible for CT protocols and PET-CT. Also experienced in MRI and emergency imaging, as well as teaching the basics of CT in Savonia University of Applied Sciences.

Other relevant skills: Strong English language skills, proficiency in video filming and editing.

Current role: Application specialist for our computed tomography equipment.

When did you start working as an application specialist?

In 2014.

What's the best part of your job?

Witnessing "aha" moments, seeing the light bulbs go on.

Can you share a memorable training-related situation?

While training in Estonia, the locals' language often made my Finnish ears turn red. I particularly remember how they say, "Käed kõrval," when instructing patients to leave their hands by their sides during a CT scan. Well, from that experience, I came up with a humorous mnemonic for remembering how to position hands correctly in body CT scans, if they can't be raised.

Greetings to the customers:

Come with an open mind and forget the phrase: "it has always been done this way."

Tina Konttila
Tina Konttila

Educational background: Specialized in Radiation Therapy and Isotope Imaging Nursing in Umeå

Clinical work experience: Years of work experience in radiation therapy in Umeå, Oslo, and Freiburg. Additionally, 4.5 years in the private sector in the isotope department in Freiburg.

Other relevant skills: Diverse language proficiency: Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, German, English, and Spanish.

Current role: Application specialist for CTH/TT, PET/TT, gamma cameras, and syngo.via workstation MI/CTH applications.

When did you start working as an application specialist? 

I started working as an application specialist in the late 1990s.

What's the best part of your job?

The diversity of the job, getting to know amazing clients, and having helpful colleagues. In this job, there's always an opportunity to learn something new.

Can you share a memorable training-related situation?

There are so many! One that stands out is when I was in Vitebsk for a week, training at a brand-new radiation therapy clinic. On the last day, the hospital director threw a long and lively celebration in my honor. After the festivities, I had a multi-hour drive ahead to Minsk. It was a fun but tiring trip, thankfully, I had my own driver!

Greetings to the customers:

 Enable users time to participate in trainings by adjusting other activities as needed.

Lilli Lehtonen
Lilli Lehtonen

Educational background: Radiographer (Bachelor’s degree), Master of Business Administration (Social and Health Services and Business)

Clinical work experience: I worked as a radiographer in Turku University Hospital for 14 years and four years in private sector. I have also experience working in a mobile MRI unit. My special interest area is in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Other relevant skills: I speak fluent English and Swedish.

Current role: MR Application Specialist

When did you start working as an application specialist?

In the beginning of 2024.

What's the best part of your job?

Versatile job tasks. I have the opportunity to develop my skills and learn from my colleagues. It is nice to meet new people during the application trainings.

Can you share a memorable training-related situation?

I have privilege to work with professionals from different fields of healthcare. All the sites I have visited people are very welcoming. 

Greetings to the customers: 

Remember that learning is a process that takes time and you don't have to learn everything right away.

Anne-Mari Matula
Annemari Matula

Educational background: Master’s degree in Health Business Management, Bachelor’s degree in Health Care (radiographer)

Your current role: My primary role is to lead our Academy team, which consists of brilliant experts in diagnostic imaging. Additionally, I am responsible for our diagnostic imaging training services and offerings in both Finland and the Baltic countries.

When did you start in your current role?

I have been in my current role since the beginning of 2024.

What’s the best part of your job?

The best part of my job is the ability to make an impact and see firsthand how my team grows and develops. It is incredibly rewarding to help experts fully realize their potential and witness how their work improves the skills of healthcare professionals and patient outcomes. Moreover, I love being involved in developing innovative solutions and promoting the use of new technologies in healthcare training and imaging.

Greetings to the customers:

Our entire Academy team would like to thank you for your dedication and hard work in healthcare. Your expertise and passion are vital to the well-being of patients. Our team is here to support you with new training opportunities and innovative solutions that help you make the most of technology. Together, we can advance healthcare and improve the patient care experience. Let's continue to collaborate and learn together!

Lassi Miettine, Siemens Healthineers Academy employee
Lassi Miettinen

Educational background: Radiographer (AMK), additional training as a radiation safety officer

Clinical work experience: Seven years of comprehensive experience as a radiographer

Other relevant skills: Experience in sales and marketing within companies providing medical imaging solutions. Extensive experience in public speaking from previous roles, including guest lecturing.

Current role: Application and sales specialist in magnetic resonance imaging.

When did you start working as an application specialist?

I started in my current role at Siemens Healthineers in early autumn 2022.

What's the best part of your job?

Working with a diverse group of people. I enjoy social interaction and the power of collaboration.

Can you share a memorable training-related situation?

In my relatively short journey as an application specialist so far, some of the most memorable moments have been the very first interactions with the customers I've trained.

Greetings to the customers:

An enthusiastic and eager-to-learn customer is always a pleasure to encounter!

Minna Salo
Minna Salo

Educational background: Radiographer

Clinical work experience: 12 years at the angio department in Meilahti, along with emergency CT and native imaging.

Other relevant skills: Proficiency in English and conversational Swedish. Commercial training and healthcare administrative education.

Current role: Application specialist for angiography equipment and some of our native imaging devices.

When did you start working as an application specialist?

I began working as an application specialist in the early 2000s.

What's the best part of your job?

Customers, interesting clinical cases, continuous learning, challenges, good equipment, and colleagues.

Can you share a memorable training-related situation?

There are so many, it's hard to pick one. I was training in Iceland shortly after a volcanic eruption. I was given the hospital's information and address. On the first day, I ordered a taxi and provided the address I was given. I was taken to a hospital, confidently walked into the radiology department, and introduced myself. The reception was warm, and I was escorted to a CT scanner from a different vendor. After a brief moment of confusion and sweating, I discovered that I had been taken to the wrong hospital. I had to get back in a taxi and go to the right place. These jobs are full of surprises and adventures.

Greetings to the customers:

Participate in training with an open mind and eagerness to learn. It's crucial to provide trainees with peace and time to fully engage in the training.

Veera Salopää
Veera Salopää

Educational background: Radiographer (Bachelor’s degree), Master’s Degree in Data Expertise and Artificial Intelligence

Clinical work experience: I worked as a radiographer in the private sector for about 4 years.

Other job-supporting skills: I’m very systematic and pay attention to detail

Current job description: I work as education coordinator, and coordinate trainings in Finland and the Baltic countries. I manage the daily tasks involving all our trainings as well as the organize training events.

When did you start working as a training coordinator?

I started work in December 2023.

Best thing about your job?

The best is good colleagues! In addition, the versatility of the job and the fact that you can work in a very interesting and important field.

Greetings to the field:

It is important to invest in training to get the most out of the equipment and software.

Otso Suokas
Otso Suokas

Educational background: Radiographer, Bachelor of Applied Sciences (AMK)

Clinical work experience: 11 years at HUS Meilahti Hospital and 3 years in the private sector

Other relevant skills: Proficient in English

Current role: Application specialist in magnetic resonance imaging.

How long have you been working as an application specialist?

I started to work as an application specialist in 2018.

What's the best part of your job?

Sharing knowledge and developing the skills of trainees and myself.

Can you share a memorable training-related situation?

The best moments are always when, after a lengthy training, the users of the device get to apply what they have learned in practice, harnessing the features of the device to support and enhance their practical work.

Greetings to the customers:

It's worth investing in an upcoming training to ensure users have the best possible skills for safe and effective device use immediately after the training

Anna Vatanen
Anna Vatanen

Educational background: Radiographer (AMK)

Clinical work experience: 5 years as a radiographer in a University Hospital, specializing in angiography examinations. Also, served as the main user for C-arm equipment.

Other relevant skills: Fluent English language skills

Current role: Application specialist for native imaging devices, C-arm equipment, and angiography devices.

When did you start working as an application specialist?

I started in my role in the fall of 2019, just before the beginning of the pandemic.

What's the best part of your job?

People. The users of our products are experts in their fields. In my role, I especially appreciate the opportunity to learn from our customers while being out in the field.

Can you share a memorable training-related situation?

Even in a country the size of Finland, things can be done in many different ways. I will never forget how shortly after starting in my current job, I was with my colleague in a native imaging equipment training, and I had never heard of "Putkonen's projection" before because it wasn't used where I worked as a radiographer. But after that, Putkonen became familiar to me too!

Greetings to the customers:

Well-planned is half-done. Especially for refresher trainings, I always welcome input and suggestions for upcoming trainings to ensure we get the most out of our shared training days.