Your simulated hands-on experience
with your medical equipment
In the healthcare sector, system and clinical workflows are becoming increasingly complex, requiring digital technologies to develop a skilled workforce. At the same time, safeguarding utilization of your equipment and high patient throughput are key to the financial success of your department. Given the speed at which technology evolves, traditional training methods at the scanner do not provide the flexibility for staff to gain the required hands-on experience. Therefore, the learning phase for employees stretches over a long period of time, preventing the equipment from being used to its full potential from the start. Additionally, blocking the medical device for training purposes in lower patient throughput and reimbursement rates combined with high costs due to a lack of equipment and staff availability.

SmartSimulator allows your staff to train and practice on a simulated version of a medical device from Siemens Healthineers to reduce ramp-up times for new devices, workflows, and your workforce. It enhances confidence by providing staff with extensive training possibilities using the equipment and latest imaging applications as also practicing protocol handling, while keeping your daily operations up and running. At the same time, continuous device utilization and high patient throughput will help boost the performance of your institution.
- Enhance confidence by providing staff with hands-on experience using a virtual medical device to improve the scanning efficiency of each individual
- Increase utilization of medical equipment and IT solutions with shorter ramp-up times for devices and employees to keep your daily operations running for higher throughput
- Boost performance at lower cost by leveraging innovative technology for better scan and protocol handling practice on simulated, cloud-based medical device interfaces
How it works

SmartSimulator provides access to simulated medical devices from the cloud to allow individual1 education from installed equipment

SmartSimulator caters to different user groups and cover all equipment from Siemens Healthineers

SmartSimulator provides access to simulated medical devices from the cloud to allow individual1 education from installed equipment

SmartSimulator caters to different user groups and cover all equipment from Siemens Healthineers

SmartSimulator provides access to simulated medical devices from the cloud to allow individual1 education from installed equipment

Explore how to use the SmartSimulator booking portal for your institution

Use cases
SmartSimulator helps to boost your performance
Individual education and practice
SmartSimulator also allows individual education and practice for an interactive learning experience, in a safe environment, anytime, anywhere, on a personal computer.
Classroom training
SmartSimulator supports various expert-guided education methods, from classroom training or onsite workshops to virtual formats, and allows direct interaction with trainers and peers.
SmartSimulator helps to address your needs

Today's Challenges in Hospitals:
- Limited options for career development of radiographers
- Need for learning options for radiographers that enable growth on their timescale and at their pace, and provide a path to advance skills throughout their careers as radiographers
- Learning on the job and fitting in training only when daily operations allow it
- enhance confidence by providing staff with hands-on experience using a virtual medical device guided by an expert
- increase device utilization with shorter ramp-up times for devices and employees to keep your daily operations running
- boost performance at lower cost by leveraging innovative technology with scan practice on simulated, cloud-based medical device interfaces

Today's Challenges for Individual radiographers:
- Few options to expand skill set as a radiographer
- Need to enhance the understanding of equipment and preparation for advanced level scans or procedures
- Growth achieved through decades of on-the-job training. This essentially comprises shadowing more skilled radiographers, and opportunities for this are few and far between
- enhance confidence with hands-on experience using a virtual medical device guided by an expert
- improve your scanning efficiency so you can use your full potential from day one
- boost your performance by leveraging innovative technology with scan practice on simulated, cloud-based medical device interfaces

Today's Challenges for Medical institutions:
- Radiography students experience frustration due to limited options for learning the full scope of scanner capability and functionality
- Need for interaction with the equipment, and an understanding of the logic of protocols and testing to be prepared to start work from day one
SmartSimulator helps you to
- enhance confidence by providing students with hands-on experience using a virtual medical device guided by an expert
- improve the scanning efficiency of each individual to use their full potential from day one
- boost your reputation by leveraging innovative technology with scan practice on simulated, cloud-based medical device interfaces
Customer Voices
Explore what our customer think about Learning with SmartSimulator 1

Takahashi Central Hospital, Japan
Reducing ramp-up times for SOMATOM go.Top with efficient online training and digital technologies
“The user interface has changed so much that it was useful to be able to actually simulate it with online pre-training. With online pre-training achieved, the examinations on the first day was smooth despite the change in the user interface.”
Shinji Kawakami, Technologist

CIM Laennec, Saint-Grégoire, France
“The installation of the go. All has been optimal. From the first day we were able to perform all the urgent examinations of the clinic (≈15) and from the second day all external and hospital patients (≈30). Before we started, the application engineer prepared around forty protocols adapted to our needs. This process allowed us to become familiar with the platform, which we did not know, very quickly and very smoothly. We quickly moved to the phase of optimizing protocols and improving image quality with the radiologists. In one week, 10 technologists were confident in using this new modality”
Nicolas Couëpel, Technologist

Santa Maria della Misericordia, Udine, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
Improving the efficiency of training: much faster, much easier
Erica Trevisan, Radiographer

Chengdu Wuhou District Fifth People's Hospital
Flexible and efficient advanced training with digital technologies
“Through this remote training approach, more participants were able to attend the training. This proved to be highly efficient. We could solve problems at hand quickly. Training time was flexible, which was very important to us”
Mr. Deng Jia, CT Technician

Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center, Orlando, Florida
Increase operational efficiencies with remote Handover Training using digital technologies
“The pre-education was very helpful and having that resource is awesome. This combined with their onsite training make the transition very smooth!”
Terry Meierkort, Lead technologist

Hospital Lauro Reus - Campo Bom, RS - Brazil
Transforming Care Delivery
Delivering customer success with value based remote trainings
“I was very worried when I was informed that the equipment training would be remote, but after all I was surprised. The training was great, and everyone learned well. Our trainer knew how to teach, and he was very polite and punctual! Even with a distance it was an excellent experience. Congratulations!”
Raquel Cristina Selister – Radiology Manager

Yeungnam University Medical Centre (YUMC), Daegu, Korea
Overcome operational difficulties with Remote Handover Training using online solutions
“Although it was not easy for the Application Specialist to reach us as a result of the travel restrictions, I had hoped that we would be able to operate the CT scanner as soon as possible because of our experience with the SOMATOM Definition AS+. However it was not easy to create and optimize scan protocols on the newly installed dual source system, SOMATOM Force. By using SmartSimulator and SRS, protocols were created in advance and imported to the scanner, enhancing operations from day 1 already. Real-time monitoring and support for trouble shooting queries was easy when connected via SRS. When using these online solutions, I felt Apps was sitting aside of me"
Mr.Kim, Technician

Takahashi Central Hospital, Japan
Reducing ramp-up times for SOMATOM go.Top with efficient online training and digital technologies
“The user interface has changed so much that it was useful to be able to actually simulate it with online pre-training. With online pre-training achieved, the examinations on the first day was smooth despite the change in the user interface.”
Shinji Kawakami, Technologist

CIM Laennec, Saint-Grégoire, France
“The installation of the go. All has been optimal. From the first day we were able to perform all the urgent examinations of the clinic (≈15) and from the second day all external and hospital patients (≈30). Before we started, the application engineer prepared around forty protocols adapted to our needs. This process allowed us to become familiar with the platform, which we did not know, very quickly and very smoothly. We quickly moved to the phase of optimizing protocols and improving image quality with the radiologists. In one week, 10 technologists were confident in using this new modality”
Nicolas Couëpel, Technologist

Santa Maria della Misericordia, Udine, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
Improving the efficiency of training: much faster, much easier
Erica Trevisan, Radiographer

Chengdu Wuhou District Fifth People's Hospital
Flexible and efficient advanced training with digital technologies
“Through this remote training approach, more participants were able to attend the training. This proved to be highly efficient. We could solve problems at hand quickly. Training time was flexible, which was very important to us”
Mr. Deng Jia, CT Technician

Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center, Orlando, Florida
Increase operational efficiencies with remote Handover Training using digital technologies
“The pre-education was very helpful and having that resource is awesome. This combined with their onsite training make the transition very smooth!”
Terry Meierkort, Lead technologist

Hospital Lauro Reus - Campo Bom, RS - Brazil
Transforming Care Delivery
Delivering customer success with value based remote trainings
“I was very worried when I was informed that the equipment training would be remote, but after all I was surprised. The training was great, and everyone learned well. Our trainer knew how to teach, and he was very polite and punctual! Even with a distance it was an excellent experience. Congratulations!”
Raquel Cristina Selister – Radiology Manager

Yeungnam University Medical Centre (YUMC), Daegu, Korea
Overcome operational difficulties with Remote Handover Training using online solutions
“Although it was not easy for the Application Specialist to reach us as a result of the travel restrictions, I had hoped that we would be able to operate the CT scanner as soon as possible because of our experience with the SOMATOM Definition AS+. However it was not easy to create and optimize scan protocols on the newly installed dual source system, SOMATOM Force. By using SmartSimulator and SRS, protocols were created in advance and imported to the scanner, enhancing operations from day 1 already. Real-time monitoring and support for trouble shooting queries was easy when connected via SRS. When using these online solutions, I felt Apps was sitting aside of me"
Mr.Kim, Technician

Takahashi Central Hospital, Japan
Reducing ramp-up times for SOMATOM go.Top with efficient online training and digital technologies
“The user interface has changed so much that it was useful to be able to actually simulate it with online pre-training. With online pre-training achieved, the examinations on the first day was smooth despite the change in the user interface.”
Shinji Kawakami, Technologist

Trial package

Try it out and book your own trial package now.
- Virtual scanning or reading
- Access 24/7 and Training
- Multiple software versions per modalities
- Create your own workbook
- 25 GB Storage Sizes (Storage for data)
- 15 hours
- 90 days validity
SmartSimulator Expert Talks - Listen to your peers and our experts
Did you miss our sessions? Just watch the replay and relive the highlights.
watch the recording (in German)
Simulated practical scanning experience
Listen to the Expert Talk and meet our SmartSimulator experts from the Academy of the University Hospital Mannheim, the Institute Dr. Doringer from Salzburg and Siemens Healthineers. Find out first-hand how the SmartSimulator can be integrated into the curriculum of MTR schools and how this enables students to be optimally prepared for practical phases. You will also gain insights into how you can continuously cover training needs in everyday clinical practice without affecting routine operations. For more self-confidence in scanning.
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The statements by Siemens Healthineers’ customers described herein are based on results that were achieved in the customer’s unique setting. Since there is no “typical” hospital and many variables exist (e.g., hospital size, case mix, level of IT adoption) there can be no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results.
The products/features and/or service offerings (here mentioned) are not commercially available in all countries and/or for all modalities. If the services are not marketed in countries due to regulatory or other reasons, the service offering cannot be guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers organization for further details.This product is for training purposes only. Not for clinical use.
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