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SAFIRE - Sinogram Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction

For quite some time, iterative reconstruction has been heavily discussed in the CT community as a highly promising method to achieve significant dose reduction without compromising image quality. And once again Siemens Healthineers has set the benchmark on low dose imaging with the introduction of the first raw-data based iterative reconstruction – SAFIRE.

Features & Benefits

For the first time, raw data (or sinogram data) are actually being utilized in the iterative image improvement process. With this, SAFIRE can achieve significant radiation dose reduction1. Or instead improve image quality (contrast, sharpness and noise), even surpassing the already impressive image quality realized with IRIS


Features & Benefits

• Up to 60% dose reduction1
• Superior image quality
• Fast and customizable workflow with >20 images per second 

General Requirements

  • SOMATOM Edge eco
  • SOMATOM Perspective 128 eco
  • SOMATOM go.Up
  • SOMATOM Definition Edge
  • SOMATOM go.Now

syngo CT 2012A (VC10) for Perspective
CT 2011A (VA40) for Definition AS and Definition Flash
syngo CT 2012B (VA44) for Definition and Definition Edge

Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.