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syngo.CT CaScoring

syngo.CT CaScoring (Calcium Scoring) allows quick quantification and accurate visualization of calcified coronary lesions, including number of lesions, volume, calcium mass, and Agatston Score. The plaque burden is easily assessed in total or for each of the main coronary arteries (RCA, LM, LAD, CX) individually.


Features & Benefits

Clinical Applications

Assessment of coronary artery calcium burden can be used as a prognostic indicator of the patient’s risk of morbidity from atherosclerotic coronary heart disease. Recent studies have indicated that Calcium Scoring shows promise as a good risk-assessment tool in women and multi-ethnic populations and it may be a better predictor of coronary heart disease compared to more traditional cardiac risk evaluation methods. Calcium scoring can also be used in a pre-surgical workup before performing cardiothoracic surgery.


  • Automatic highlighting of coronary calcifications. A default threshold of 130 HU is used for score calculation but can be modified based on user preference. The calcified plaques are assigned manually to their respective coronary artery by mouse click.
  • Automatic evaluation of lesions by a 3D segmentation algorithm
  • Immediate comparison of the patient’s score to a healthy reference group: The patient’s score is automatically shown in a percentile graph relating it to the score distribution of his age group.
  • The comparison of the patient’s score to the reference group yields the patient’s Coronary Age that represents an easy-to-understand estimation of the coronaries’ condition
  • On-the-fly collection of all findings and key images in the Findings Navigator while reading the case
  • Easy hand-over of tasks using the Suspend/Resume functionality facilitating access to the scoring preparation done by the tech

General Requirements

Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.

syngo.CT CaScoring is part of the CT Cardio-Vascular Engine that also features the workflows

syngo.CT Cardiac Function

syngo.CT Coronary Analysis and

syngo.CT Vascular Analysis