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syngo.CT DE Lung Analysis

syngo.CT DE Lung Analysis is a combination of syngo DE Lung Vessels and syngo DE Lung PBV. The application allows the color-coding of vessels that are affected, e.g. by pulmonary emboli and therefore show a significantly lower iodine concentration than non-affected vessels. It also enables a fast evaluation of lung perfusion defects. And it also generates an unenhanced lung image from an enhanced Dual Energy scan without an additional scan.


Features & Benefits

The application directly visualizes the local iodine concentration in the lung parenchyma, which is a measure of the local blood volume, thus enabling a display of the area of possibly affected tissue.


Clinical Application
The application helps you in the evaluation of obstructive or restrictive lung disease as well as in the assessment of hemodynamic perfusion deficit e.g. caused by pulmonary emboli.


  • Combined view of Lung PBV and Lung Vessels for diagnostical information at a glance
  • Color-coding of the iodine concentration in the lung vessels. Vessels affected by pulmonary embolism show a significantly lower iodine concentration and are thus color-coded differently than non-affected vessels
  • Detecting and assessing the functional relevance of pulmonary embolism without additional dose, contrast application or examination time
  • Three different options to perform a lung segmentation: The adaptive volume based, the volume based, and the distance based segmentation
  • Possibility to switch to the native view to see the emboli any time during the workflow
  • On-the-fly collection of all findings and key images in the Findings Navigator while reading the case


General Requirements

  • SOMATOM Edge eco

  • SOMATOM Drive

  • SOMATOM Force

  • SOMATOM Definition Edge

syngo.via VA11

Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.