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myExam Companion

myExam Companion

Intelligence that works with you

myExam Companion breaks down the barriers of complex MRI operations using a new philosophy on how to operate MRI. It leverages the new possibilities of digitalization and AI, to turn data into integrated expertise and tailored assistance. 

Designed to support the entire scanner operation, myExam Companion offers the right solution for every need. It automates scanning workflows, positions the patient automatically and ensures reliable implant scanning. This is intelligence that works with you.

Which mode should you work with?

The myExam Autopilot, Assist and Cockpit help the users to efficiently achieve high-quality results – regardless of their experience level, the patient, or throughput.
Different modes. Different use cases. Consistent IQ: Powered by AI myExam Companion provides tailored user assistance enabling consistent and reproducible results. 

myExam Autopilot

myExam Autopilot

  • Novice users automate exams intelligently
  • Scan at high quality with just a simple click
  • For >70% of MRI exams1
myExam Assist

myExam Assist

  • Users benefit from flexible and guided exam workflows
  • Predefined and adjustable exam strategies
  • Even for demanding exams such as abdomen – covering 90% of MRI exams1
myExam Cockpit

myExam Cockpit

  • Users customize protocols intuitively
  • Create and maintain exam programs
  • For all programs – allows customization according to your individual needs

myExam Autopilot  

myExam Autopilot offers users most advanced and intelligent automation. It enables users to scan at high quality with just a simple click and has the potential to remove burdensome routine tasks. 

  • MRI operation drastically simplified
  • Automated protocol without the need for any manual adjustments.
  • Clear design with a focus on what users need – and without any distractions
  • Novel usability with touch or click interaction

    First-hand feedback about the myExam Autopilot

    myExam Assist

    myExam Companion
    myExam Spine Assist

    myExam Assist provides guided workflows. Users can select exam strategies or flexibly adapt them based on the patient’s condition. It allows for high quality, efficient exams even when conditions change.  

    • Standardized exam strategies for all supported body regions
    • Decision logic for consistent adaptations
    • Useful automation with automated slice/ volume positioning

      myExam Cockpit

      myExam Companion

      myExam Cockpit allows users to customize intuitively. It provides a central workspace for protocol management. Users can set up and maintain protocols, build knowledge into standardized exams and make those continuously available for every user in the MRI department.

      • Configure all your protocols to your individual needs
      • Configure and set-up myExam Autopilot or Assist programs
      • Efficient protocol management with explorer and editor in one
      • Instantly edit, save, and run your protocols – for maximum flexibility even during an examination

      myExam Implant Suite2

      Take a look at how our myExam Implant Suite works

      With myExam Implant Suite, users can easily and reliably scan patients with MR Conditional implants. Once they have entered the radio frequency limits for the implant in the user interface, the system automatically remains within these boundaries throughout the scan.

      • Supports MR Conditional implants
      • Allows users to set predefined implant limits for key parameters
      • Provides access to MRI for patients with MR Conditional implants

        myExam 3D Camera

        The world's first 3D camera fully integrated with your MRI scanner offers two unique features: AutoPositioning can make patient positioning up to 48%1 faster and AutoRegistration streamlines and helps safeguard accurate patient registration.

        Discover the myExam 3D Camera

        MAGNETOM Cima.X
        myExam 3D Camera streamlines patient registration & positioning


        Integrated Autosuite – powered by AI

        Providing ease-of-use, consistency, and reproducibility in myExam Autopilot or Assist while remaining customizable to your standards in myExam Cockpit.

        AutoAlign, AutoCoverage, and AutoFoV

        For consistent slice or volume coverage and orientation
        myExam Autosuite

        AutoBolus Detection and AutoVoiceCommands

        For consistent timing of breathing or contrast in dynamic imaging
        myExam Autosuite

        AutoLabeling and AutoCoil Select 

        Eliminate the need for manual coil selection or labeling tasks 
