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FR BE Veterinary Lab Testing

Scientific Session
Veterinary Lab Testing 

20 April 2023 | 13:30 - 17:30

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to our next scientific session that will focus on a special type of patients: the animals. Indeed, the theme of this 10th edition is veterinary lab testing.
We’ll discuss thyroid disease in cats and dogs and endocrine disease in aged horses. We’ll introduce machine learning to identify Babesia canis infections in dogs and the use of reticulocyte haemoglobin content (CHr) in the diagnosis of iron deficiency.
The Siemens Healthineers scientific sessions are an opportunity to get the latest information on a specific topic from experts and exchange on clinical cases with peers and colleagues.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on April 20 and encourage you to share this invitation with your colleagues and veterinary doctors.


April 20, 2023
Pullman Brussels Centre Midi
Pl. Victor Horta 1,
1060 Bruxelles

Accreditation points are requested


Welcome coffee




Thyroid diseases in dogs and cat-Anno 2023
Prof. dr. Sylvie Daminet, Ghent University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Small animals


Machine learning model to identify Babesia canis infections in dogs & CHr in the diagnosis of iron deficiency
Emeritus Prof. dr. Erik Teske, University of Utrecht & University of Liège, Medical Oncology, Department Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals and Horses


Use of diagnostic testing in diagnosis and management of equine endocrine disease
dr. Andy Durham, BSc, BVSc, CertEP, MRCVS, Liphook Equine Hospital, Hampshire, UK


Closing and Networking

Téléchargez les présentations

Thyroid diseases in dogs and cat-Anno 2023

Prof. dr. Sylvie Daminet

Machine learning model to identify Babesia canis infections in dogs & CHr in the diagnosis of iron deficiency

Emeritus Prof. dr. Erik Teske

Use of diagnostic testing in diagnosis and management of equine endocrine diseas

Dr. Andy Durham