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Comprehensive solution for detection and monitoring of kidney disease

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With the increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease, it’s important that laboratories have the right tools for proper detection and monitoring of this worldwide public health problem. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics offers comprehensive laboratory testing for kidney-disease management, from simple in-office urine tests used in management in early signs of kidney disease to accurate and reliable estimation of residual renal function in dialysis patients.

With a broad testing panel and multiple testing platforms to meet individual customer needs, Siemens provides an extensive portfolio of solutions for early management and monitoring of kidney-disease, including:

  • Easy to use, in-office solutions for early detection of kidney disease on the CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer
  • Scalable, reliable, and cost-effective systems such as the BN ProSpec® System and ADVIA® Chemistry XPT System
  • Broad menu of innovative testing options, including N Latex FLC kappa and lambda assays* for more consistent monitoring of monoclonal gammopthies and N Latex BTP assay* for reliable estimation of residual renal function in patients undergoing dialysis

Watch this animation and learn how Siemens can provide a comprehensive solution for detecting kidney disease.