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SOMATOM Perspective 128 ecoOpen new opportunities

SOMATOM Perspective

SOMATOM Perspective eco is a high-end CT scanner that delivers economical benefits without compromising on patient care.

Innovative technologies such as SAFIRE boost diagnostic confidence while reducing dose, and the unique eCockpit improves cost efficiency by minimizing energy consumption and wear and tear.

SOMATOM Perspective eco is available in four upgradeable configurations, giving healthcare facilities room to grow.

Features & Benefits

Innovative Siemens technology and design open doors for new business in high-end CT imaging for a better perspective for your patients and your daily routine.

SOMATOM Perspective eco is based on a proven system platform that enables high-end imaging at extremely low dose. It can detect very small diagnostic details with its unique Interleaved Volume Reconstruction (IVR), expanding the scanner’s clinical applications.

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective – Cardiac imaging simplified

Cardiac imaging simplified: SOMATOM Perspective eco helps increase patient-centric productivity with FAST CARE technology and innovative features. FAST Cardio Wizard provides step-by-step guidance for cardio examinations, boosting reliability and reproducibility. ECG Check and Cardio BestPhase™ automatically identify the best arterial phases. SOMATOM Perspective can also be equipped with the Iterative Temporal Resolution Improvement Method (iTRIM) algorithm, for a temporal resolution as low as 195 msec.

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective – Routine high-speed imaging

Routine high-speed imaging: With its unique Siemens SureView™ concept, and a 64-row detector coverage, there are no trade-offs between scan speed and image quality – long scan ranges at submillimeter collimation are easier. SureView’s spiral image reconstruction algorithm facilitates challenging, long scans in clinical routine, for example in acute care scenarios.

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective – Single Source Dual Energy

Single Source Dual Energy: Metal artifacts can present a major challenge when imaging hip implants or complicated fractures. This is where Siemens’ pioneering Single Source Dual Energy (SSDE) technology comes in. It adds valuable quantitative information to the morphology of conventional CT scans making it easier to differentiate material. This feature can also be used in further clinical fields, including for imaging kidney stones or verifying gout diagnoses. And best of all, setting up a SSDE examination is as easy as a regular spiral scan.

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective – Impressive dose reduction with SAFIRE

Impressive dose reduction with SAFIRE1: Sinogram Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE) brings the full dose-saving potential of iterative reconstruction to clinical practice. SAFIRE - Siemens' first raw-data based iterative reconstruction - can reduce radiation dose by up to 60%, and improve image quality in regard to contrast, sharpness, and noise.

SOMATOM Perspective eco, with its unique eCockpit, is the first scanner on the market to deliver medically superior performance while also considering your business perspectives.

The scanner presents a unique combination of superior medical performance and optimal accommodation of business needs. It is designed and engineered to help reduce costs, so that more medical institutions can afford enhanced patient care.

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective – eCockpit

eCockpit: The unique eCockpit, standard on all SOMATOM Perspective eco scanners, enables more cost-efficient operation before, during and after a CT scan. Its easy-to-use features eStart, eMode and eSleep extend the scanner’s lifespan by preventing unnecessary wear and tear, reduce overheads by minimizing energy consumption, and strike the right balance between dose and image quality.

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective – 16-, 32-, 64- and 128-slice configurations

16-, 32-, 64- and 128-slice configurations: SOMATOM Perspective 128 eco integrates innovations that enable you to scale the scanner’s performance to your requirements. The system can be fully upgraded on-site, at any time – giving your facility room to grow.

Engineered to reduce costs: SOMATOM Perspective eco’s sleek, modern design and thin, elegant gantry require just 18.5 m2 (199 ft²) of floor space. Its installation is uncomplicated, and often takes less than two days. Due to reduced heat dissipation, SOMATOM Perspective eco also requires less air conditioning and operating power than other scanners: 70 kVA of electricity and cooling for just 8.5 kW of heat dissipation.

SOMATOM Perspective eco keeps your clinical needs in focus by enhancing usability and productivity, supporting workflow excellence, improving patient care and increasing efficiency.

SOMATOM Perspective eco was designed to automate time-consuming steps and accelerate image reconstruction. Intelligent technologies such as WorkStream4D™ virtually eliminate the need for manual processes. This expedites the entire scanning workflow and enables faster decision-making.

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective – Fully Assisting Scanner Technologies

Fully Assisting Scanner Technologies (FAST): Fully Assisting Scanner Technologies (FAST): Fully Assisting Scanner Technologies (FAST) make time-consuming and complex procedures faster and more intuitive. FAST Planning enables immediate, organ-based setting of scan and recon ranges with no manual adjustment. And FAST Spine helps to prepare the most challenging anatomically aligned spine reconstructions with a single click.

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective – Integrated display panel

Integrated display panel: The gantry front display shows the patient’s name and current scan parameters such as kV, mA, scan time, table position, gantry tilt, and ECG trace – a valuable advantage during cardio exams.

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective – Illumination Moodlight

Illumination Moodlight: The Illumination Moodlight LED light panel provides a more comfortable scanning environment and can be easily adjusted to your or the patient’s preference.
Slim design: The slim gantry increases patient comfort while offering easy access for interventional procedures.

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective – Storage box

Storage box: To avoid unnecessary interruptions to the daily routine, the practical storage box holds all the basic CT positioning accessories. With these close at hand, you can position the patient faster and easier.

Clinical Use

SOMATOM® Perspective eco is proven in practice. Users world-wide have confirmed that in addition to the wide clinical portfolio, the positive financial aspects of the scanner are especially valuable – from the quick and uncomplicated installation to the efficient daily use.

"We have already scanned around 800 patients. We have studied all possible conditions, whether oncologic, pediatric, cardiac, vascular, musculoskeletal or cerebral and indeed, the results we get are truly satisfying."
Dr. Alexandre Fuchs
Imagerie Medicale Sainte-Marie, Pontoise, France

"(…) of course, reimbursement in the health sector keep receding. What is needed are systems that are more cost-efficient than previous ones. The SOMATOM Perspective eco, for example, through its eMode and the included service benefits, can certainly help here."
Dr. Johann-C. Steffens
Radiology of Israelitisches Krankenhaus, Hamburg, Germany

"This system offers some algorithms and software which are extremely advantageous. One is iTrim, which is an algorithm that improves temporal resolution."
Dr. Paulo Pedro
Cardiologist at S.A.M.S, Lisbon, Portugal

Technical Specifications

CT Scanner SOMATOM Perspective


Ultra Fast Ceramic (UFC)


DURA 688 MV High-performance CT X-ray tube

Number of slices

up to 128

Minimum installation space for the complete system2

18.5 m² / 199 ft²

Weight (whole installation)

1,719 kg – requires no additional support

Heat dissipation

only 8.5 kW


Often takes less than two days