This paper, in collaboration with ECG Management Consultants, explores these various points of friction for both patients and healthcare providers. It also proposes concrete steps and digital tools that could be applied to eliminate unnecessary friction. In doing so, it lays out a roadmap for frictionless healthcare.
Key takeaways from the paper :
How to eliminate friction for patients and providers
How to eliminate friction for patients and providers
- Improve care accessibility with online scheduling and low-friction websites
- Provide better care navigation by providing contactless and self-service options, location services, and enforcing price transparency
- Advance care delivery by employing patient-friendly technology and facilitating telehealth as well as remote patient monitoring
- Eliminate waste and rethink workflows
- Replace non-value-adding activities with automation
- Enhance value-added activities
By removing unnecessary friction, healthcare organizations can be well-positioned in an environment where patients are gradually shifting towards a more consumer-oriented mindset, while promoting caregivers’ well-being at the same time. Find out more about frictionless healthcare.

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