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syngo.CT Vascular Analysis

syngo.CT Vascular Analysis allows the evaluation and quantification of angiography images of the general vessels with a vascular-specific set of display functions. Due to the automatic pre-processing steps an immediate vascular-only view is provided as soon as the case is opened.

Features & Benefits

The automatic side-by-side layout, e.g. for display of both carotid arteries, helps to better assess and evaluate complex lesions. For the case of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) syngo.CT Vascular Analysis provides a dedicated stent planning template. The template guides the user through all necessary measurement steps, such as the curved lengths which are easily assessed in the curved planar reformation. The cross sections allow for a quick and reliable assessment of the vessel lumen and the diameters measured are automatically registered in the stent-planning template. 

The automatic pre-processing features ensure that the case is immediately ready for review when opened, thus saving many manual workflow steps to bring more efficiency into emergency situations. One of the causes of acute chest pain is aortic dissection. As part of triple rule-out protocols syngo.CT Vascular Analysis allows the immediate assessment of the aorta and the vascular walls. The aortic arch is easily evaluated in the curved planar reformation. The software thus facilitates life-saving decisions when every second counts. 

syngo.CT Vascular Analysis further facilitates pre-procedural planning, e.g. for trans-catheter aortic valve implantation. The automatic side-by-side layout allows for a quick assessment of the peripheral arteries to check for an optimal access path. The cross sections enable a reliable calculation of the vessel diameters. The manual plane functionality yields a visualization of the aortic arch and the curvature is calculated with dedicated evaluation tools.

  • Immediate vascular-only view due to several automatic pre-processing steps including table and bone removal
  • Automatic vessel centerline extraction and anatomical labeling of the main vessels with the optional feature Autotracer, even before the case is opened for review
  • The vessels are automatically prepared in CPR (Curved Planar Reformat) view and the cross-sectional cuts are displayed for immediate diagnosis and easy rule-out of aortic atherosclerosis
  • Seamless integration of Dual Energy1 data for automatic high-quality bone and calcification removal in head and neck possible
  • Improved length and diameter measurements for AAA/TAA stent and TAVI planning:
    - Direct scrolling in cross sections along curved centerline for exact positioning of reference markers
    - All measurements are visualized in the VRT for quick navigation and are shown in the CPR for easy editing
    - Effective vessel diameters based on vessel area or perimeter
  • Bone & Vessel Isolation mode for selective highlighting of high contrast structures, for example to bring out the bone in trauma cases involving fractures of the femur or hip, or for single-click plaster cast removal
Rapid Results Technology
  • User-specific definition of customizable procedures that can be saved as individual protocols in the Protocol Configurator
  • These configured protocols can be re-used for an automated generation of snapshots, radial and parallel ranges for MPR, MIP, and VRT images (incl. VRT presets) in every case
  • Standardized image creation, including PACS series and filming, for time-saving in clinical routine
  • Ideal to share hints, tips, and recommendations both for educational purposes and in order to increase standardization

General Requirements

Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.


syngo.CT Vascular Analysis is part of the CT Cardio-Vascular Engine that also features the applications

syngo.CT CaScoring,

syngo.CT Coronary Analysis, and

syngo.CT Cardiac Function.