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Excluding intrathecal inflammation using the kFLC index in CSF

In this presentation, Prof. Süße explains the concept of excluding intrathecal inflammation by measuring kappa free light chain (kFLC) in CSF and serum and introduces a prospective multicenter validation study of this new laboratory workflow integrating the free light chains kappa quotient in CSF analysis. The measurement of κFLC in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum is a newer but already well-established and sensitive biomarker to detect intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis. Recently it has been proposed to use κFLC in CSF as a primary exclusion marker for intrathecal inflammation, which would significantly change the workflow for neurological patients.

Marie Süße, Greifswald University Medical Center

Dr. Marie Süße
Senior Physician for Neurology
Neurology Clinic and Polyclinic
Greifswald University Medical Center
Greifswald, Germany