AI-Rad Companion Prostate MR

Your aide for biopsy support

The application supports in annotating images of the prostate gland for targeted MR/US-fusion biopsies and seamless information transfer to the urologist. Efficiency is gained as the AI-Rad Companion automatically segments the prostate gland, typically a tedious and time-consuming manual task. The radiologist can additionally mark potential targets for biopsy, reducing the risk for information loss. This may foster collaboration between the radiologist and the urologist.

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What is AI-Rad Companion?

AI Rad Companion Chest X-ray image processing

Over the past few years, AI-based imaging decision support has become more and more important in healthcare as physicians have struggle to cope with a growing workload, severe shortage of staff, as well as an increasing complexity of diagnostic tools.

The AI-Rad Companion is our family of augmented workflow solutions that support radiologists in their diagnostic task interpreting medical images. Its solutions provide automatic post-processing of imaging datasets through our AI-powered algorithms.

AI-Rad Companion seamlessly integrates into the physician’s workflow transferring data securely and GDPR compliant helping to ease today’s challenges in routine radiology.

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