Virtual Touch™ IQ is the latest ARFI-based feature from Siemens and combines the benefits of imaging together with quantification. The pushing force of ultrasound (the ‘push pulse’) displaces the tissue and then phenomena known as shear waves are generated. These propagate perpendicular to the ultrasound pulse. The velocities of these shear waves across a user-defined Region of Interest can be displayed as a color-coded velocity map and allows immediate subjective assessment of stiffness. Adding a user-adjustable scale which increases or decreases the range of velocities displayed allows even subtle velocity differences to be easily accommodated. Multiple measurements may be taken at any point within the Region of Interest. The velocities at any point within the Region of Interest may be shown instantly simply by moving the cursor. This facilitates accurate selection and measurement, whereupon the measurement may be set, and the result placed into a comprehensive reporting package. The reporting package also includes statistical analysis as well as shear wave velocity by location.
A unique advantage of Virtual Touch IQ is the Quality Map. This represents the quality of the shear waves as a simple “traffic light” display, providing added confidence in the accuracy of shear wave velocity estimation.