Human-factor engineering in hospitals; best practice example Jefferson Health, Insights Series issue 50

Seamless data exchange in healthcareDigital interoperability across health systems in Southeast Asia
Insights Series - Issue 51

Article authors: Joanne Grau and André Steinbuss | Reading time: 4 minutes

Read the paper to learn how seamless data exchange across healthcare data platforms and formats can improve efficiency and patient care.

Providing effective, high-quality healthcare demands greater integration—more seamless sharing of information between hospitals, within networks, and even across international borders. Efforts are underway in Southeast Asia to enable more streamlined healthcare data exchange as part of a commitment to improve efficiency and enhance collaboration. Just one example: greater consistency in standards and platforms to reduce the need for costly patient retesting. Progress demands collaboration between providers and governments, as well as the active support of experienced technology suppliers. Learn more about the opportunities which are being explored in ASEAN to build interoperable digital health systems across borders.

Key takeaways

  • Frictionless, secure data exchange is key to leveraging the benefits of digital transformation 
  • Interoperability can increase efficiency and ease workforce burden 
  • The first step is to establish a framework of shared standards for data exchange 
  • Cross-border interoperability would allow ASEAN health systems, their workers, and their patients to benefit from easier, more efficient processes
Siemens Healthineers Insights Series 51 cover

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The Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed) represents manufacturers and suppliers of medical equipment, devices and in-vitro diagnostics, industry associations and other key stakeholders associated with the medical technology industry in Asia Pacific. As a trade association, its mission is to improve the standards of care for patients through innovative collaborations among stakeholders to jointly shape the future of healthcare in Asia Pacific.

For questions regarding healthcare digitalization in ASEAN please contact:

Virginia ChanHead of DigitalizationASEAN at Siemens Healthineers

Further reading

Read further examples of digitalizing healthcare in Europe, Latin America and more:

This thought leadership paper is part of the Siemens Healthineers Insights Series. It provides ideas and practical solutions on "Achieving operational excellence". For more Insights, please visit

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