Greenfield PPP Project including imaging equipment
Barts & The London Hospitals NHS Trust (UK)
Barts and The London is one of the largest and most complex hospital redevelopment projects in the UK. Siemens will be delivering medical technology here for the next three decades.

Greenfield PPP Project including all medical devices
Queens Hospital, Romford (UK)
Siemens’ on-site operational team is responsible for the management and maintenance of all medical devices in the hospital over the full PPP concession period.

Direct MES Project in a Greenfield PPP hospital build
Cartagena & Mar Menor Hospitals (Spain)
Siemens will provide, for 15 years, state-of-the-art equipment for the Cartagena and Mar Menor public hospitals in the Murcia region, which deliver a capacity of more than 1000 beds.
Direct MES Project in an existing hospital
Haga Ziekenhuis and ZGT (Netherlands)
While more and more hospitals are facing capital and operational budget issues, Siemens’ MES at Haga and ZGT is preventing budgets from spiraling out of control and delivering innovative medical imaging technology over the long term.
More Information
For an overview of these and more projects see ‘Downloads.’