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Asegúrate. Tomosíntesis de mama True 3D.

Asegúrate. Tomosíntesis de mama True 3D.
El cáncer de mama es actualmente el cáncer más común en las mujeres alrededor del mundo. Para tratar exitosamente este cáncer, primero necesita detectarlo. La detección temprana y el diagnóstico confiable son claves para la supervivencia. Incluso el estándar común, la mamografía 2D, no siempre es capaz de rendir resultados claros y confiables. Especialmente con tejido denso de mama, los resultados de imagenología 2D pueden no ser claros.

Siemens, el pionero de la imagenología 3D, está trayendo un nuevo nivel de confianza en la detección y diagnóstico de cáncer de mama. La tomosíntesis de mama True 3D rinde imágenes de alta calidad para diagnósticos más confiables sin importar el tamaño o la densidad del tejido de la mama. Asegúrese de que hace lo mejor posible por sus pacientes.


Be sure. Trued 3D Breast Tomosynthesis.

Esté seguro de sus resultados.
¿Cuál es la manera más poderosa hoy de luchar contra el cáncer de mama? La detección temprana y el diagnóstico preciso. Esto es exactamente lo que Siemens proyecta con la tomosíntesis de mama True 3D. Usando nuestra experiencia en la excelencia en diagnóstico y las soluciones clínicas de vanguardia hemos desarrollado esta tecnología para apoyar nuestra constante lucha contra el cáncer de mama. La detección de tumores malignos en una etapa temprana le ayuda a reducir el tiempo de tratamiento y el costo. Pero más importante, puede ayudar a salvar más vidas.

Asegúrese de darles a sus pacientes más exactitud.
Los resultados sin claridad de mamografía es una de las experiencias más decepcionantes para las mujeres, provocando ansiedad, estrés y preocupación innecesaria. Con la tomosíntesis de mama True 3D puede proporcionar un excelente cuidado en mamografía a la vez que reduce el estrés emocional de sus pacientes. Al reducir el número de repeticiones y biopsias puede ofrecer a sus pacientes mayor precisión en lugar de tenerles esperando por los resultados. Brinde a sus pacientes la seguridad de que están en buenas manos.

Esté confiado. Sea preciso. Esté seguro.

Better detection

Because you can detect more in 3D.
Tomosynthesis provides a high level of sensitivity and specificity, based on the development of flat-panel detectors and advanced digital-image processing techniques.

Digital Breast Tomosynthesis has already been adopted in clinical routine for the diagnosis of abnormal screening mammograms or clinical symptoms. Studies have proven its diagnostic efficiency, and it shows high potential to become a routine screening setting in the near future.

With True Breast Tomosynthesis, Siemens delivers a highly reliable diagnostic tool. The innovative technology leverages the largest angle with the highest number of projections for enhanced visualization. A total of 25 projections, acquired in an overall angle of 50°, allow for significantly improved diagnostic capabilities.

For clear results and a confident diagnosis.


Going 3D
Although the technology is currently the state-of-the-art, mammography suffers from decreasing sensitivity as tissue density increases. This can result in unclear images, which in turn can lead to cancers being missed, especially in patients with dense breasts.

Mammograms also present certain challenges in image reading and interpretation. A 3D object like the breast displayed as a 2D X-ray image forcibly leads to a loss of image depth information. Due to image superimposition, lesions may be masked by the tissue above or underneath, or normal structures may mimic a lesion. True Breast Tomosynthesis helps reduce these challenges.

How tomosynthesis works
With tomosynthesis, a full-field digital mammography system acquires multiple projection images of the breast. The X-ray tube moves through an isocentric arc above the stationary detector. It acquires several images of the breast in various angles. The projection images are then reconstructed into a 3D volume in DICOM format for flexible display on reading and reporting workstations. Reviewing physicians can scroll through the slices for a comprehensive overview. The 3D image quality and depth resolution directly depend on the number of projections, angle size as well as the reconstruction algorithm.


True Breast Tomosynthesis
Imaging has always been a core competence at Siemens. Challenging our innovation leadership and interdisciplinary know-how, we have evolved the current diagnostic approach for breast cancer to a new level. Our solution, derived from Siemens CT technology, allows both physicians and patients to feel confident. It can reduce unnecessary recalls and improves the early stage detection rate.

With True Breast Tomosynthesis, Siemens has opened up a new chapter in mammography diagnostics. High spatial resolution and the largest acquisition angle allow for excellent resolution depth and superior reconstruction results. This leads to fewer artefacts and greater image detail, thereby improving diagnostic capabilities immensely.

The number of projection images and the angular range of the tomosynthesis system directly affect the quality of the resulting 3D image. Optimizing both criteria, Siemens offers physicians an excellent diagnostic basis. The innovative system acquires an image every two degrees while moving through an angular range of 50°. This results in 25 projections for 3D reconstruction that allow for outstanding image quality.

Be confident. Be precise. Be sure.

Advanced diagnosis

Three steps, one clear solution.
Advanced breast cancer diagnosis takes a streamlined three-fold approach: acquisition of high quality projections, accurate 3D reconstruction and high-quality display on a dedicated workstation. Siemens offers a tailored, state-of-the-art tomosynthesis solution to support this workflow: Mammomat Inspiration and Mammomat Inspiration PRIME Edition for image acquisition and reconstruction bundled with syngo.Breast Care1 for unique tomosynthesis reading.

Step 1) Acquisition:
Mammomat Inspiration and Mammomat Inspiration PRIME Edition are highly flexible mammography platforms. They support screening, diagnostics, stereotactic biopsy, and True Breast Tomosynthesis, for increased diagnostic efficiency and confidence.

Step 2) Reconstruction:
Siemens HD Volume Reconstruction helps you achieve outstanding high-definition image quality with enhanced spatial and depth resolution:

Full-resolution Readout

True Breast Tomosynthesis – in combination with the direct-to-digital aSe detector – offers a superior detector readout with increased spatial resolution of 85μm. This results in a highly-precise evaluation of calcifications.

Excellent image balance with Equalizing Filtered Back Projection (EFBP)
A unique equalizing algorithm preprocesses the projections for an optimized and balanced image appearance. This allows for increased depth resolution and reduced tissue overlap for better and clearer separation of lesions.

Differentiate better with Mass Enhancement
This algorithm highlights mass margins and spiculations for improved lesion visualization with the human eye. This can assist in better characterizing and differentiating between malignant and benign lesions.

Step 3) Diagnosis:
Siemens’ client server application syngo.Breast Care enables a streamlined reading workflow. 


Mammomat Inspiration and Mammomat Inspiration PRIME Edition
The all-in-one solutions not only support screening and diagnostics, but also stereotactic biopsy, and True Breast Tomosynthesis. Their diagnostic efficiency and confidence help improve an early detection of breast cancer.

True Breast Tomosynthesis, with the widest angle in the industry (50°), and the highest number of projections (25), adds both sensitivity and specificity to diagnostic imaging.
The innovative imaging approach allows for: 

  • Reduced tissue overlap and contrast enhancement of lesions
  • 3D visualization of micro-calcifications, shape and size of lesions
  • High depth and contrast resolution

syngo.Breast Care

syngo.Breast Care

The acquistion and reconstruction of high-quality images are the first two steps towards achieving a precise and secure diagnosis. As a perfect match syngo.Breast Care has been designed to streamline the diagnostic workflow.

It quickly displays the acquired images in the preferred order and at a consistent size. It simplifies the comparison of tomosynthesis with pre-existing 2D images.  

Dedicated features features streamlining the diagnostic workflow:

  • Configurable workflow for individual needs
  • Comfortably compare 2D and True Breast Tomosynthesis images
  • Scrolling functionality for fast and easy image review

Be confident. Be precise. Be sure.  

Get proof

What experts say about tomosynthesis.

We have worked with numerous experts to verify the advantages of our True Breast Tomosynthesis solution. Learn what your colleagues think about True Breast Tomosynthesis and how they benefit from this technology.

Malmö Breast Tomosynthesis Study

Malmö Breast Tomosynthesis Study reveals: True Breast Tomosynthesis from Siemens increases breast cancer detection rate by 43%

Tomosynthesis detects 43% more breast cancers than traditional mammography - according to a major screening study conducted in Malmö, Sweden by the Lund University, using Siemens` Mammomat Inspiration system. This is the first large-scale study to comparing Siemens True Breast Tomosynthesis with regular mammograms and has the highest increase in detection rate of similar studies conducted so far.

Mammography – Training & Education – Clinical Webinar with Sophia Zackrisson

Breast cancer detection rate increased by up to 43% ! – Clinical Webinar with Sophia Zackrisson

Preliminary results from an ongoing screening study1 in Malmö, Sweden, showed an increased cancer detection rate of 43%2 by comparing 2D mammography and Siemens True Breast Tomosynthesis on the same system.

Customer Testimonial

Dr. Ana Maria Rocha Garcia, Povisa, Spain

“The 50 degree angle and 25 projections provide better image quality. 3D imaging gives you more information and a wider angle reduces the effect of overlapping tissue, which is the main problem of 2D mammography. This allows for a better diagnosis.”

Customer and Patient Testimonial

Dr. Norbert Uleer, Hildesheim, Germany and two of his breast cancer patients share their experience with True Breast Tomosynthesis. Dr. Uleer shows how tomosynthesis is used in clinical practice and explains the advantages. The patients talk about how they experienced tomosynthesis from a patient's point of view and how the new technology helped to save their lives.

Customer Testimonial

Dr. Nachiko Uchiyama, Tokyo, Japan explains her motivation for using True Breast Tomosynthesis: The confidence in providing her patients with one of the best possible diagnosis security - and also why only Siemens tomosynthesis is real 3D.

Watch clinical presentations from ECR 2014 in Vienna.

Breast Care Day at ECR 2014 - Vienna Austria:
What does a breast imaging system have to perform?

Prof. Dr. Hilde Bosmans
UZ Leuven Campus
Leuven, Belgium

Optimized workflow, possibilities and challenges with 2D FFDM vs. 3D DBT

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Heywang-Koebrunner
Referenzzentrum Mammographie München
München, Germany

Digital Breast Tomosynthesis – from a first idea to clinical routine

Prof. Dr. Joerg Barkhausen
Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Lübeck, Germany

Technical optimization of digital breast tomosynthesis for future breast screening

Dr. Pontus Timberg
Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University
Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden

Is DBT the new standard in the diagnostic imaging of the breast? How to implement DBT as a method in specialist training?

Prof. Dr. Chantal Van Ongeval
UZ Leuven Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium

High image quality with lower dose mammography

Dr. Karsten Ridder
St. Josefs-Hospital Dortmund-Hörde
Dortmund, Germany

Breast Care Symposium at ECR 2013 – Vienna, Austria:
3D breast tomosynthesis – a problem solver for difficult cases in clinical routine

Prof. Dr. Joerg Barkhausen
Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
University Hospital of Luebeck
Luebeck, Germany

Breast Care Symposium at ECR 2013 – Vienna, Austria:
Physical challenges with digital breast tomosynthesis

Prof. Dr. Hilde Bosmans
Department of Radiology
UZ Leuven
Leuven, Belgium

Breast Care Symposium at ECR 2013 – Vienna, Austria:
Experiences with digital breast tomosynthesis in screening

Dr. Sophia Zackrisson, Associate Professor
Diagnostic Radiology
Lund University
Malmoe, Sweden

Breast Care Symposium at ECR 2013 – Vienna, Austria:
Value of tomosynthesis for the assessment of screen-detected abnormalities

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Heywang-Koebrunner
Referenzzentrum Mammographie Muenchen
Muenchen, Germany

Breast Care Symposium at ECR 2013 – Vienna, Austria:
Clinical experiences with digital breast tomosynthesis in follow up diagnostics

Dr. Fusun Taşkın, Associated Professor
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology
Adnan Menderes University
Aydin, Turkey

Breast Care Symposium at ECR 2013 – Vienna, Austria:
The future of breast tomosynthesis

Thomas Helbich, MD, MSc, MBA
University Clinic for Radiodiagnostics
AKH Wien
Vienna / Austria

Watch clinical webinars about tomosynthesis.

Download the latest material on True Breast Tomosynthesis.

be sure tomosynthesis whitepaper

Whitepaper: Clinical Value of True 3D Breast Tomosynthesis – An evaluation of recent studies

This paper presents the results of recent studies performed with Siemens Mammomat Inspiration and summarizes their key findings.

be sure tomosynthesis whitepaper

Whitepaper: Demonstrating the benefits of True 3D Breast Tomosynthesis – Recent clinical studies

The Whitepaper is a summary of key findings from the latest studies conducted with Mammomat Inspiration and True 3D Breast Tomosynthesis.

Be sure. True 3D Breast Tomosynthesis.

Whitepaper: 3D Breast Tomosynthesis – intelligent technology for clear clinical benefits
Dr. Thomas Mertelmeier, Jutta Speitel and Dr. Claudia Frumento provide a technical assessment of physical parameters which have a major impact on the image quality of tomosynthesis.

be_sure_tomosynthesis_digital_breast_tomosynthesis_whitepaper.jpg<br /><br />

Whitepaper: Digital Breast Tomosynthesis – A clinical assessment based on literature
Dr. Finn Lindhardt, Viborg, Denmark, offers a clinical assessment of tomosynthesis based on literature.