- Siemens Healthineers Latinoamérica
- Imagenología Médica
- Asset Planning Session
Asset Planning SessionMaximize the potential of your Siemens Healthineers systems
Substantial Elements
An Asset Planning Session consists of different elements - with your business and clinical needs at the center of all aspects. Click through the content slider items below to learn more about each element.
Energy Savings Analysis
Our Energy Savings Analysis identifies how you can improve the energy consumption of your MRI systems using Deep Resolve Boost and our Eco Power Mode. Based on these factors, we calculate how much consumption can be saved per annum for each system.
Lifecycle Analysis
Cybersecurity Overview
Market Analysis
Utilization Analysis
Customer Strategy Discussion
The requirement of your facility can include e. g. improving workflows, expanding clinical capabilities, initiatives to reduce radiation or achieving higher patient satisfaction. Your business and clinical needs are the prime focus to align to your strategy and finalizing asset management plans.
Configuration Overview
Asset Management Plan
The result of every Asset Planning Session is entirely open. A customized process leads to a customized outcome. Everyone is different.
Energy Savings Analysis
Our Energy Savings Analysis identifies how you can improve the energy consumption of your MRI systems using Deep Resolve Boost and our Eco Power Mode. Based on these factors, we calculate how much consumption can be saved per annum for each system.
Lifecycle Analysis
Cybersecurity Overview
Market Analysis
Utilization Analysis
Customer Strategy Discussion
The requirement of your facility can include e. g. improving workflows, expanding clinical capabilities, initiatives to reduce radiation or achieving higher patient satisfaction. Your business and clinical needs are the prime focus to align to your strategy and finalizing asset management plans.
Configuration Overview
Asset Management Plan
The result of every Asset Planning Session is entirely open. A customized process leads to a customized outcome. Everyone is different.
Energy Savings Analysis
Our Energy Savings Analysis identifies how you can improve the energy consumption of your MRI systems using Deep Resolve Boost and our Eco Power Mode. Based on these factors, we calculate how much consumption can be saved per annum for each system.
Your benefits at a glance:
- Personalized data supports you make customized, data-driven decisions
- Allows you to maximize the potential of your Siemens Healthineers systems
- Aligns your assets with your strategy while identifying business growth opportunities
Additional Information
Who participates in an Asset Planning Session?
Key influencers and decision-makers in your healthcare facility’s executive team, radiology, and cardiology departments (e.g. CEOs, CFOs, Directors, Managers, Lead Technologists) play a key part in the Asset Planning Session. Your local Siemens Healthineers Representative will work with you to determine what Siemens Healthineers installed systems we will explore and help you align your future plans to develop your business.
Where will the Asset Planning Session take place
How to book your Asset Planning Session
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Aviso importante
En Latinoamérica, Siemens Healthineers no vende productos y soluciones para personas sin formación técnica. Nuestros destinatarios son profesionales o instituciones sanitarias calificados. El portafolio de productos y soluciones homologados para la venta en Latinoamérica puede ser consultado en nuestra página web y en nuestros canales oficiales. En caso de duda, consulte a nuestros representantes.