
Point-of-Care TestingDesigned to provide rapid, convenient, and easy-to-use diagnostic testing

From the ED to the physician’s office, clinical management decisions can be made rapidly and result in improved patient safety, clinical outcomes, and overall patient satisfaction.

Siemens Healthineers is aware that a non-invasive finger glucose measurement product has been offered for sale, on various digital channels and social networks. This product is not developed or manufactured by Siemens Healthineers and is unlawfully using the Siemens Healthineers brand. To view our full portfolio, visit If you've encountered such an announcement or webpage, please email us the details at:

V podjetju Siemens Healthineers smo seznanjeni, da na različnih digitalnih kanalih in v družbenih medijih prodajajo merilnik krvnega sladkorja oz. glukoze. Tega izdelka nismo razvili ali izdelali v podjetju Siemens Healthineers in nezakonito uporablja blagovno znamko Siemens Healthineers. Če ste naleteli na tovrstno objavo ali spletno stran, bomo veseli, če nam boste več informacij o tem poslali na: Celotno ponudbo naših izdelkov in rešitev najdete na

Additional Resources

Darmowe webinary

Point-of-Care Webinars 

A series of digital webinars covering numerous point-of-care topics you can access at your convenience.

Educational Resources

Other Educational Resources   

Conveniently access a wide variety of materials, including clinical publications, case studies, white papers, scientific posters, and more to support physicians, clinicians, and patients.

Wells Pretest Probability Score

Featured Topics in Point-of-Care Testing 

Focused information on relevant point-of-care topics, from case studies to clinical information for Cardiac, Blood Gas, Diabetes, Urinalysis and POC Informatics.