- Siemens Healthineers Latinoamérica
- Diagnóstico de Laboratorio
- Assays by Diseases & Conditions
- Diabetes
- Diabetes Educational Resources
Educational ResourcesInformation to expand your diabetes knowledge
Siemens Healthineers informa que los productos de medición de glucosa, comercializados en diversos canales digitales y redes sociales externas a la empresa, están haciendo un uso indebido de la marca e identidad visual de Siemens Healthineers. Estos productos ofrecidos en varios sitios web no forman parte de nuestro portafolio de productos y servicios y no cuentan con los respectivos registros sanitarios. En Latinoamérica, Siemens Healthineers no vende productos y soluciones para personas sin formación técnica. Nuestros destinatarios son profesionales o instituciones sanitarias calificadas. El portafolio de productos y soluciones homologados para la venta en Latinoamérica puede ser consultado en nuestra página web y en nuestros canales oficiales. En caso de duda, consulte a nuestros representantes.
Webinar: Diabetes—beyond HbA1c
Join Dr. Youssef Maakaroun, MD, as he discusses the various conditions associated with diabetes and how innovative assays can help optimize management of diabetes patients and route them for proper care.
Webinar: Hemoglobin A1c measurement and standardization
The HbA1c test is used routinely to monitor glycemic control in diabetic individuals and diagnose diabetes. Dr. Randie Little, an expert in HbA1c laboratory, testing, discusses the importance of HbA1c testing in diagnosing diabetes, its measurement, and the standardization process.
Randie R. Little, PhD
National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP)
Network Coordinator
Departments of Pathology and Child Health
University of Missouri School of Medicine
Webinar: Demystifying HbA1c POC testing and the impacts of COVID-19 on patients with diabetes
Gestational diabetes: Pathophysiology, risk, and outcomes (2019)
In this expert webinar, Jeanne Rhea-McManus focuses on understanding the diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes in addition to management and appropriate postpartum follow-up to ensure optimal outcomes for both mother and baby.
Educational Videos
NAFLD/NASH prevalence in type 2 diabetes patients and use of noninvasive tests
Atellica CH HbA1c assay
Diabetes and HbA1c assays
Journal Articles
Importance of hemoglobin A1c testing for diabetes diagnosis and management post-COVID-19 infection (2023)
MLO: Early identification and treatment of the disease can improve health outcomes by avoiding or delaying long-term diabetic complications.
Diabetes: the past, the present, and the challenging future (2014)
Infographic: Diabetes and its related conditions
Infographic: Global impact of COVID-19 and lockdowns on POC HbA1c testing
To what extent is there a change in glycemic control during the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdowns, and does COVID-19 affect population-level glycemic control?
Download the infographic to learn more about how the pandemic has affected POC HbA1c testing and help raise awareness.
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Gracias por su respuesta.
1.Diabetes atlas, 2021. International Diabetes Federation. Available from:
https://www.idf.org/aboutdiabetes/what-is-diabetes/facts-figures.html (accessed August 2022)
The products/features (mentioned herein) are not commercially available in all countries. Due to regulatory reasons their future availability cannot be guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers organization for further details.
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La información de este sitio web está destinada exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud. Este contenido no está destinado al público general. Si continúa navegando, se da por entendido que su trabajo está relacionado con el sector sanitario.
Aviso importante
En Latinoamérica, Siemens Healthineers no vende productos y soluciones para personas sin formación técnica. Nuestros destinatarios son profesionales o instituciones sanitarias calificados. El portafolio de productos y soluciones homologados para la venta en Latinoamérica puede ser consultado en nuestra página web y en nuestros canales oficiales. En caso de duda, consulte a nuestros representantes.