RSNA 2022の企業シンポジウム「In the new era of medical imaging: Real-world results from Photon-counting CT」でオランダロッテルダム エラスムス医療センター 放射線診断学のProf. Dr. Ricardo Buddeにご講演いだいたプレゼンテーションをご視聴いただけます。
フォトンカウンティング CT – 循環器イメージングPhoton-counting CT – cardiovascular imaging
The statements by Siemens Healthineers’ customers described herein are based on results that were achieved in the customer's unique setting. Because there is no “typical” hospital and many variables exist (e.g., hospital size, case mix, level of IT and/or automation adoption) there can be no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results.