Motion management comes of age
Data courtesy of University of Tennessee Medical Center Knoxville, Tennessee, USA The patient was scanned with a Biograph mCT. 80 min post-inj delay; CT: 120 kV, 202 eff mAs. 64 x 0.6 mm collimation, PET: FlowMotion table speed 1.5 mm/sec for head neck & pelvis; 0.4 mm/sec with gating for thorax and abdomen.
Data courtesy of University of Michigan Medical Center Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA The patient was scanned with a Biograph mCT 40 and an ECG-gated resting list-mode acquisition 30 minutes post injection. Low-dose CT for attenuation correction.
- CardioFreeze and OncoFreeze are optional features. The products/features (mentioned herein) are not commercially available in all countries. Their future availability cannot be guaranteed.
- The statements by Siemens’ customers described herein are based on results that were achieved in the customer's unique setting. Since there is no "typical" hospital and many variables exist (e.g., hospital size, case mix, level of IT adoption) there can be no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results.