Media kit on COVID-19

Last update: May, 4, 2021

“66,000 Siemens Healthineers colleagues are sparing no effort and working wherever and however they can to provide clinical experts with the help and technical solutions they need in their fight against COVID-19.”

Bernd Montag, CEO Siemens Healthineers

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Published on March 24, 2020

Importantly, the test detects antibodies to a key protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus—a spike protein, which binds the virus to cells with a distinct human receptor found in lungs, heart, multiple organs and blood vessels. Studies indicate that certain (neutralizing) antibodies to the spike protein can disarm SARS-CoV-2. Multiple potential vaccines in development for SARS-CoV-2 include the spike protein within their focus.

Siemens Healthineers plans to ship more than 50 million antibody tests per month worldwide as production capacity increases. Find here footage from our sites in Tarrytown (NY) and Walpole (MA) to use for your broadcast. If you are interested in the high-res files of the footage, please contact the press team:

This test has not been FDA cleared or approved.

Siemens Healthineers plans to ship more than 2.5 million molecular PCR tests per month worldwide as production capacity increases. Find here footage from our site in Marburg, Germany, to use for your broadcast. If you are interested in the high-res files of the footage, please contact the press team:

Siemens Healthineers makes a contribution to fight the current COVID-19 global pandemic significantly through expanding its infectious disease testing capabilities. If you are interested in the high-res files of the footage, please contact the press team:

Blood gas systems support the monitoring of ventilated patients. This footage shows how the systems are used in critical care. To be seen: epoc Blood Analysis System (00:01-00:03), RAPIDPoint 500e Blood Gas System (00:22-00:32). The footage shows the blood analyzer epoc and RAPIDpoint 500e (start image: epoc). If you are interested in the high-res files of the footage, please contact the press team:

<p><b>Three questions to Sebastian Kronmueller, Head of Molecular Diagnostics | May 26, 2020</b></p>
The molecular Fast Track Diagnostics (FTD) SARS-CoV-2 Assay test kit
<p><b>Frequently asked questions on medical devices in use</b></p><p>Learn how our systems as well as our tests are used in the diagnosis and course of the disease of COVID-19 patients.</p>
<p><b>Interview with Wolfgang Heimsch, President Customer Service: Investments in recent years are paying off |</b> April 16, 2020</p>
<p><b>Managing coagulation abnormalities in COVID-19 patients</b></p>
<p><b>COVID-19: Resources &amp; Updates</b></p><p>By gathering externally published information from trusted sources, our editorial team aims to provide useful information for healthcare providers fighting the virus worldwide.</p>
<p>For any questions, please reach out to press office in our contact page.</p>