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Press release

Siemens Healthineers ASM elects four new supervisory board members by big majority; 
Ralf P. Thomas confirmed as chairman

Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (ASM) 2023

Published on February 15, 2023
  • Sarena Lin, Dow Wilson, Veronika Bienert and Peter Körte elected as members of the supervisory board for first time  
  • Ralf Thomas, Marion Helmes, Nathalie von Siemens, Karl-Heinz Streibich re-elected 
  • Shareholders vote to raise dividend to 0.95 euros per share after successful FY 2022 
  • Resolution proposals of the boards regarding all further agenda items approved by large majority 

The Siemens Healthineers AG annual shareholders’ meeting approved all items on the agenda by a large majority. Four new supervisory board members were elected at the virtual meeting: Sarena Lin, management board member of Bayer AG; Dow Wilson, former chief executive officer of Varian; Veronika Bienert, CEO of Siemens Financial Services; and Peter Körte, chief technology and strategy officer of Siemens AG. The mandates of Ralf Thomas, Marion Helmes, Nathalie von Siemens and Karl-Heinz Streibich were extended. The newly constituted supervisory board confirmed Ralf Thomas as chairman, and elected Karl-Heinz Streibich as his deputy. 

The ASM approved the proposal of to pay an increased dividend of 0.95 euros per share for the successful fiscal year 2022, and to allow the managing board to conduct the ASM as a virtual meeting for the next five years. Both the managing and the supervisory board were also ratified for the past fiscal year by a large majority. 

“Siemens Healthineers has more than proved itself in an environment that was challenging on an historic scale. The company responded impressively to geopolitical upheavals, with record annual sales and profits,“ Ralf Thomas told the shareholders’ meeting. “In the course of fiscal year 2022, the company twice raised its outlook – and met its targets.“ 

Chief Executive Officer Bernd Montag said: “After five years as a publicly listed company, we are the strategic partner of many of the world’s largest and most important healthcare providers.” Siemens Healthineers currently has more than 150 comprehensive partnership agreements with large customers worldwide; the order backlog from these Value Partnerships has grown to around 4 billion euros. He added: “Our company’s technologies and solutions address the great challenges of healthcare systems around the world: the rising number of the chronically ill, the shortage of personnel in medical professions and the roughly 3 billion people who lack access to medical care.” In fiscal year 2022, Siemens Healthineers products and solutions were used by 212 million patients in underserved areas worldwide. 

In his speech, Ralf Thomas heartily thanked the outgoing supervisory-board members Philipp Rösler, Gregory Sorensen, Norbert Gaus and Andreas Hoffmann for their outstanding commitment to Siemens Healthineers since its initial public offering in 2018. “I am certain that the newly constituted supervisory board – with its wide-ranging expertise, internationality and diversity – will also support Siemens Healthineers AG in its future success, with valuable inspiration and a clearly structured corporate governance system,“ he said. 

Following the ASM, the newly constituted supervisory board appointed the chairs of its committees. Ralf Thomas remains chair of the chairperson’s committee and will also chair the newly created nomination committee. Marion Helmes remains chair of the audit committee and the related-party transactions committee. Roland Busch will chair the renamed committee for strategy, innovation and sustainability, and Peer M. Schatz will chair the newly created remuneration committee. 

Four members of the supervisory board – Veronika Bienert, Marion Helmes, Peter Körte und Karl-Heinz Streibich – were elected for a term of three years; the other four for a term of five years. This is intended to further the creation of a supervisory board with staggered terms and ensure its continuity. 

The publicly broadcast part of the ASM was followed online by about 1200 people at its peak. 64 questions were posed live via video communication by shareholders or their representatives, and answered by the managing board and the supervisory board.

This press release and further materials are available here

Siemens Healthineers 2023

Siemens Healthineers AG (listed in Frankfurt, Germany: SHL) pioneers breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. As a leading medical technology company headquartered in Erlangen, Germany, Siemens Healthineers and its regional companies are continuously developing their product and service portfolio, with AI-supported applications and digital offerings that play an increasingly important role in the next generation of medical technology. These new applications will enhance the company’s foundation in in-vitro diagnostics, image-guided therapy, in-vivo diagnostics, and innovative cancer care. Siemens Healthineers also provides a range of services and solutions to enhance healthcare providers’ ability to provide high-quality, efficient care. In fiscal 2022, which ended on September 30, 2022, Siemens Healthineers, which has approximately 69,500 employees worldwide, generated revenue of around €21.7 billion and adjusted EBIT of almost €3.7 billion. Further information is available at