“The most important step since the advent of multislice CT”
Professor Jiri Ferda, MD, PhD, talks about the initial steps with the new technology in both research and clinical practice.
We can better delineate the tumor invasion and can very frequently better visualize the enhanced tumorous tissue.
Professor Jiri Ferda, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Imaging, University Hospital Pilsen, Czech Republic

1 NAEOTOM Alpha is not commercially available in all countries. Its future availability cannot be guaranteed.
- The statements by Siemens Healthineers’ customers described herein are based on results that were achieved in the customer's unique setting. Because there is no “typical” hospital or laboratory and many variables exist (e.g., hospital size, samples mix, case mix, level of IT and/or automation adoption) there can be no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results.